Seems like they have done this all to themselves. What positive platforms can the democrats run on? I cant seem to find any, and it seems their only tactic is to campaign against goerge bush........ again. This is setting up for a democrat DISASTER this fall. If you were in charge of the DEMOCRATIC party, how would you advise them to campaign ?
Step 1: Blame capitalism. Step 2: Blame Bush. Step 3: Blame rich people. And if none of those work, blame capitalism again.
Right, and made up statistics about illegal immigration, defending of the coporations, and pushing for a war with Iran are so much better.
How you figure? I know the MSM doesn't remind you of this fact, but the economy wasn't anywhere near this bad under Republicans.
Dearest Dronetek, I have stated on numerous occasions that i do not subscribe to the US MSM apart from what blades here happen to post... AJE - Al Jazeera English is more my thing... I am particlary fond of your threads here though.. Fight the Fight Brother.. Amen... EDIT : Forgot to reply... Dont really care what happens in the US mainland.. Thats your business.. But the GOP dont float my boat...
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Honestly it doesn't matter. Both parties are just going to fuck it up. Unless a bunch of Ron Paul's show up and re-take the Republican party.
Next: Praise ObamaCare, and disregard all objections Then: Obligatory platitudes about change Finally: Return to step 1, rinse and repeat.