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Berry Special???

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by LuckyCharmss, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. I was offered a half for 230. Any experiences?
  2. I would think that was a made up name.
  3. as a grower, I've never heard of that strain.
  4. I've been getting a new strain every 2-4 weeks for over 15 years and have never heard of it. Made up or not, you should just take a look at it and judge it based on quality.
  5. This.

    Do a search for some threads on here regarding how to tell quality weed, and inspect it before you buy it.

    If it looks good, then hey that's cool. If not, then don't bother. ;)

    $230 is quite high for a half, in my area, but it might be just right for the area you're in. :p
  6. It's actually pretty normal in many large metro areas. I've seen people paying upwards of $250 for a half in cities such as NJ and LA. For some reason the midwest seems to have much lower prices than coastal areas. Luckily I live just across the water from Canada and get dank pretty cheap.:D

  7. Yup, that's why I specified "in my area", because different areas pay much different prices for weed. ;)

    The OP didn't exactly state where he was located, so I thought it might be worth mentioning, if he was local. :p
  8. 230 a half is pretty expensive in my area also and I have been to many dispensaries in my time and have never heard of this strain.

    ...Of course I could be wrong though, there are MANY strains but I believe it is a fake

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