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Bermese Kush

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by thebigPINCH, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. I'm pissed i sold my nikon d40 so i cant get any nice shots really. taken with a droid -best i got right now. I dont post much but felt like throwing something up. I wish i could somehow have you guys smell the bag.





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  2. looks dank how much did you buy is total, looks like a oz? price?
  3. #3 thebigPINCH, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2011
    yeah a little more than that
  4. pound? i see that 16
  5. a feast and a half, happy consumption
  6. haha i can tell! the 16 probably stands for ounce right? So a pund like the guy said before me. Nice man. Some people will be happy. :smoke:
  7. Looks fine but Burmese Kush doesn't exist. Kush by it's very definition comes from the Hindu Kush region of Afghanistan. Also, the only strains native to Southeast Asia, where Burma is, are Sativas and not Indicas.

    Some dealer or grower made up a name...not that that is anything new unfortunately.
  8. i would like to take the time to thank you for being intellegent and knowledgeable <3

    i could hug you man, no homo. and on an off note, the burmese from VISC is fantastic ! :smoke:

  9. oh how right (and wrong you are) there are at least 3 seed companies including T.H. Seeds that are selling burmese kush seeds. Most likely this is a kush crossed with a sativa from Burma. Or its just a name given to a kush because it has traits of a sativa from burma that the breeder may recognize. To outright say it doesn't exist is a pretty radical statement. You prob know a lot more than I do, but you definitely don't know everything.
  10. Never claimed to know it all, but I know that most names are just plain made up. I know seedbanks sell that strain, but it's NOT a Kush. Just a name...

  11. Right on, like I said, you probably know much more than I do :smoke:
  12. i bought some of this from th seeds, all were males and they were femmed seeds:mad:
  13. i have the 420th issue of hightimes, and burmese kush is a legit strain name. though op's looks nothing like it

  14. *ding ding ding!

  15. lol, you should breed up some random shit with NO kush and name it Kush Kush just to fuck with peeps man

  16. if you dont, i think i might..... jus sayin

    my buddy tossed me a shit ton of swag seeds, we were gonna toss em outside the police station this spring..... just remembered that they were kush seeds... im growin it.
  17. Did you get that from a dealer or a medical store? Im always so jealous of people getting limitless dank and edibles spoon fed to them from collectives and such, not saying its bad, but I sure get envious. Great pick up by the way, how does it taste? :)
  18. I'm sensitive about naming conventions because I am also a breeder. Most breeders and seedbanks have TOTALLY jumped the shark with regards to strain names. It started back in the 90's really but it's getting worse and worse.

  19. Well i mean... shit yea...i was going to say find something that hasnt been done and do it, but... thats a waste... hahahahahah there are other important matters at hand when your growing i can assume. Arg i wish i had the room to grow... there is no doubt it would be happening if i did... makes me a sad panda
  20. I'm currently involved in a breeding project that once stable will be my seventh unique strain. A lot of 'strains' are F1 hybrids and do not breed true if you seed them. I don't consider a strain to be complete until I've genetically stabilized it.

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