opiates and benzo's can kill you, but not with somethin like vicodin unless your body is just fuckin weak its my personal favorite drug combo, like 1mg of xanax/klonopin and 5-7 bags of heroin, makes me nod off all day, haha and occasionally it makes me nod off in the parking lot i did my dope at for an hour or 2 if i aint done it in awhile technically its dangerous, but whatever i got a death wish
how cheap are the bags where you are...xanax and dope go together perfectly but 5-7 bags would run me like 60-120. i usually shoot up 1 or 2 bag shots at the most.
I've done Valium and Hydrocodone at the same time three times. First time was fun, second and third time I threw up after. Not a good combo in my eyes.
Man, I just dropped some benzos after about 4 months of absolutely no drug use. I'm feeling great. Never mixed with hydrocodone before but both are fun done seperately, I ll bet they're great mixed. Maybe this shit jst put me in a wreckless mood, though.
ive never tried the lorazepam im kinda curious about it.. im on 1mg of xanax and some smack right now. its really a perfect mix..the benzos complement the opiates so well it like defines relaxation
i get 10 bags for 85 dollars, u gotta go to the hood if u want cheap bags, if u buy em in suburbia they cost a shitload like 15-20 a bag, i always say "where theres bricks theres bricks" haha, cuz alota the hoods u can cop dope at around here have at least 1 brick road by/in them
opiates can knock out your drive & kill ya, but benzo's wont, seen a guy take 50 V's, he just slept for a long time if you had liquid benzo & banged it you could knock out your drive but not PO