Beneficial plants to grow near your grow?

Discussion in 'Advanced Growing Techniques' started by HotPead, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. What are some beneficial plants that do well when grown next to pot? Like bell peppers florish when grown near tomato plants.. etc.

    Are there certain plants to help keep bugs away? Condition soil?
  2. its good to plant them near Elm trees bc they have a similar heat signature when seen by narco-copters.
  3. I've heard peppermint helps prevent spider mites.
    I have no proof (yet) but will try on a grow soon.

    Talk about beneficial ..... :rolleyes:

  4. opium. shares the same 4 month grow cycle.... ;)

  5. lol. Yeah and I could also plant some magic mushroom spores in the soil around my plants :)
  6. defs dont keep this one there dude...

    [​IMG] not only will it eat your plant when it reaches maturity, but in oder to get to your plant you have to wait untill it slowly enters into its pipe then quickly check your plant before it pops back out and eats your arm
  7. @sirsog Lmao man... gotta watch them carnivorous ones
  8. #8 p_snickers, Oct 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2010
    lavender to help cover smell///stealth

    tomato plants have similar looking leaves

    and i've heard of using things like russian comfrey, red clover, etc. as cover crops but I'm not sure how they would benefit growing side-by-side. i;m pretty sure that clover grows pretty rampantly too...much like a weed and minght over take your plants.

    EDIT: This Link is a good place to start...nothing specific on MJ, of course, rather a backround of the practice.
    DOUBLE EDIT: this link i think this one is slightly more relevant

    Intercropping or Companion Planting are the terms you're looking for when it comes to professional literature
  9. Marigolds, tagetes, are good companion plants.

    They deter a small range of harmful insects and nematodes, and there are some theories that suggest they can even cause rabbits and deer to think twice about munching on your crop.
  10. I have decorative edible gardens surrounding my properties, herbs like; rosemary, basil, thyme, oregano, mint, and even cat nip, when combined, create a confusing odor that detracts almost enitrely from any stray canna-smells, particularly if your carbon filter is operating smoothly.

    The stalks and stems of tomatoes create a 'confusing' odor specifically for cannabis, growing them near doorways and windows can help, if someone suspicious leans in closer to have a better whiff, and brushes against the tomatoes, the odor released is usually pungent.
  11. i've also heard that catnip is much more desirable to spider mites than MJ....only from one source, though, so i'm not sure about it
  12. I'm not an outdoor grower at the moment, I should have specified that the first post concerning marigolds was more for the outdoor growers, while my second post is more for external distraction and 'camouflage' scents beneficial to indoor growers. Sorry about that, hope this clears it up for you :)

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