Benadryl - Permafried

Discussion in 'General' started by Dankamanjaro, Jan 8, 2012.

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  1. So, I was wondering if anyone on grasscity has experienced permanent effects from a high recreational dose of the little pink bastards? 4 years ago it was... and my vision has been kind of lucid feeling ever since... i also always feel dizzy... freshman year I took benadryl for my first time, and my second time 24 hours later. I only did it twice.:(:mad: Can anyone, by any chance, relate to my condition? Will i ever feel normal? Any knowledge/input on the situation would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  2. Once you go you never come back all the way, son.
  3. It sounds to me like you more then a little worried about this.... The only real advice I can give you is to see a Doctor, or medical proffesional.
  4. 4 years and you're just now wondering what's wrong :confused:
  5. the allergy medication? I think you're fine. You're just making yourself believe that you have symptoms.
  6. oh no you didnt
  7. Your just fucked..You took to many and melted that squishy thing in your
    head called a brain and now your fucked for life...:wave:

    Oh and I know you melted your brain into goop. But this is a Marijuana forum
    and its against the rules to talk about other drugs or abusing OTC drugs...;)

  8. Hi, my name is Dr. Not A Real Fucking Doctor, I would very much like for you too meet my college Dr. Real Fucking Doctor, he's located at your nearest hospital or clinic, and he's waiting for you.

    P.S. This is a marijuana forum, not a drug forum.
  9. Why do I always "hear" you say that in a Jimmy Walker voice?:confused:

  10. because you think im black
  11. But this is the internet, so I should imagine someone with a Black avatar would look like Steve Martin:confused:

    And, OP, see your physician about any changes in vision.
  12. Diphenhydramine.
    One of the few things so fucked up even I won't touch it.
    Stay away from it kids.
  13. I want to take a drug that permanently makes me think im a girl
  14. #14 Blueberry Haze, Jan 8, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2012
    take a shitload of estrogen

    edit: or drink beer haha
  15. haha i was just tricking. lol at that article. My ideal drugs wouldn't make me think im a girl haha

  16. Yeah, it makes you feel like you're dehydrated in a desert and dying. Not pleasant at all. No real high, even. Tried it once for curiosity's sake, but never again.
  17. Discussion of other drugs isn't allowed at Grascity.
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