Media Awareness Project Belgium: Belgium Legalises Personal Pot Use URL: Newshawk: M & M Family Pubdate: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 Source: Guardian, The (UK) Copyright: 2001 Guardian Newspapers Limited Contact: Address: 75 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3ER, England Fax: +44-171-837 4530 Website: Forum:,2161,Latest|Topics|3,00.html Author: Andrew Osborn, in Brussels BELGIUM LEGALISES PERSONAL POT USE Governments in Europe are about to come under renewed pressure to decriminalise cannabis after Belgium's decision to legalise the personal use of le hasch for anyone over the age of 18. Under radical plans approved by the cabinet on Friday, it will soon be legal to grow, import and consume potentially unlimited amounts of pot for personal use in Belgium. "Any possession of cannabis for personal consumption will no longer provoke a reaction from the justice system unless its use is considered to be problematic or creates a social nuisance," the health minister, Magda Aelvoet, said. However, it will still be against the law to deal in or supply cannabis, or to produce the drug in industrial quantities for sale. Nor will Belgium replicate the Netherlands' fabled network of coffee shops selling cannabis cigarettes over the counter. Hard drugs will continue to be outlawed. Italy, Spain and Portugal are reported to be considering similar moves for cannabis and Belgium's decision to relax its laws will make the British government, which has repeatedly refused to consider decriminalisation, look increasingly isolated. It has been legal since 1976 to buy and use cannabis in any one of the Netherlands' 1,500 coffee shops. Within a few months, Belgium will become the second country in the EU to follow suit when it amends its own drugs laws, which date back to 1921. In Britain, the government has stated that it will reject calls to decriminalise cannabis despite a report from the Police Foundation recommending more relaxed penalties for its use and medical evidence that the drug eases chronic pain. Controversially, the Belgian government has said it will not define what constitutes a reasonable amount of pot, leaving it up to the country's judiciary to set the of legal precedent. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAP posted-by: Jo-D
Thanks for the info! Hopefully the USA will catch on. I think Europe is defintely taking a step in the right direction, can't wait till us 'americans can take one as well :] Again thanks for the info.. gone.
most of the world has legalized hemp cultavation but the USA hasnt. and now the world is starting to legalize pot. will the USA keep up there front? Or fall to the people? ------------------
The only way the U.S is going to legalize pot is if we get the media on our side. They are the ones that helped prohibit it back in the 30's so we need them to show all the casualties of this stupid drug war to the people today. Second, the Tobacco and Alcohol industry does not want it legal here because they would take a very LARGE loss in profit for many years after the change. BIG influence in american government. Well thats my 2 cents. Peace all. Smoke on
thats pretty sweet for the stoners of belgium... but what about the rest of us... come one! when is the world going to understand us and legalize..
no illusions ! officially maybe legal but te reality is not so nice :shops selling pipes or other articles that may suggest use of cannabis are forced to close or are under heavy survey. I think that it will take some more time till problems resolve : ti'll now things do'nt change except no repression .