Being socially "in"

Discussion in 'General' started by Bananarama, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. I am not socially accepted. I can make a good first impression, be humorous, helpful, smart etc. But I believe that deep down people want to avoid me for some reason since I can also be somewhat awkward at times.

    It seems so easy for other people but for me when people are around me I have to focus so hard on what im doing like I'll be whispering or singing to myself sometimes and people will see it and call me out on it when I have no idea im doing it.
  2. Yes. I also come off as the nerdy type at times.
  3. Why would you want to 'fit in'?

    Popular culture is very insipid, vapid, superficial, stupid.
  4. I am here to discuss my problem. I know it is an issue and I am on a Dark Crusade to change it and become more human. I am half machine.
  5. Who cares what other people think dude..
  6. So many social awkward blades nowadays :\
  7. Do what you man. Dont changed to the world. Are you older or younger tho?
  8. I have like 10 - 15 people I chill with, but Id only consider about 6 of them to be friends. Popularity isnt important at all, especially after highschool.
  9. I used to be the same way bro. I realized that I just needed to not give a shit what people think about me and just straight be myself.

  10. I would rather be friends with a half-robot than a human any day
  11. “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”

    -Dr. Seuss
  12. The bolded: I am somewhat awkward... but I AM THE VICTIM. IT IS THEM, NOT ME!

    Just take yourself a deep breath and be aware of your actions. I've been on both sides of the coin and its not like there is some secret to being "socially in" as you say. I could gives you tips on how to exude confidence; and look calm, cool, and get respected, but at the end of the day, its up to you to introduce the change you want in your life. If you want to get better at interacting with people, you have to do it more. Then, review each incident after it happens for things that you did well, and things you can improve on. This gives you some stomping ground to figure out how to fit yourself in to social interactions.

    PM me for advice brotha!
  13. OP, if people can't accept you for who are you are, you shouldn't waste your time on them. Eventually, the right people will come along who will appreciate you for your character and qualities no matter how different they may be.

    A great man once said, "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." Think about it, dude.
  14. just stop giving a fuck
  15. I am also super paranoid. I dont say hi to people because I am afraid they think I am weird and whenever someone talks to me I think "why does this human want to talk to me, cant he tell I am half machine?"

    O and JK I am not half machine I am just high and it is a joke because someone has called me a "terminator" once because the kid brought up a subject I didnt want to talk about

  16. [quote name='"Bananarama"']I am not socially accepted. I can make a good first impression, be humorous, helpful, smart etc. But I believe that deep down people want to avoid me for some reason since I can also be somewhat awkward at times.

    It seems so easy for other people but for me when people are around me I have to focus so hard on what im doing like I'll be whispering or singing to myself sometimes and people will see it and call me out on it when I have no idea im doing it.[/quote]

    Lol adhd bra ive got the same. Just dont eveb worry bout it bra
  17. Honestly you have to stop giving every fuck in your body. Don't care about fitting, just look out for your self and your family.

    Remeber the motto.

    If they don't like you, fuck 'em.
  18. Umm it sounds like a vicious cycle man. Your insecurity and trying to fit in is what would push people away. Which is gonna make you try harder. When someone tries too hard, I just feel bad for them. Really though dude... Someone tries to call you out for singing to yourself? Fuck em! Don't apologize, ask them what they think about it. They'll either say you're good or if they say bad then just laugh and be like wow you're an asshole. If you feel awkward then turn that shit on them :laughing: just stay relaxed and a little witty and people will like talking with you.
  19. I don't know...I mean, the God's don't seem to mind that I mumble to myself constantly.

    Fuck 'em if they do though, I don't fuckin' care...I'm a fuckin' God!:cool:

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