Being high on your deathbed?

Discussion in 'General' started by Iceman420, Oct 2, 2011.

  1. I was blazed as hell two days ago, and thought to myself, would I want to be high, moments before I die and leave this earth? In a way, I thought it would be easier to die simply because when I'm high, I accept things the way they are.

    Discuss my fellow blades :hello:
  2. cannabis is a big part of my life but its not that big a part of my life.
  3. When you die , you might as well be high, whether its heaven or hell, or is it all a lie?

  4. i'll either die high or die trying
  5. Id like to be sober and meditating as I die.

    If I was in real bad pain, I would want opiates. I don't think I would ever like to smoke weed as I die.
  6. Youll be high anyways.
    Your body produces dmt when youre born and when you die.
    Sometimes youre lucky enough to score some in between...

    Youre born trippin, and you die trippin...
  7. I wouldn't want to be high on my deathbed. What a buzzkill?!?!
  8. Yeah tbh I would want to be sober with my family on my deathbed.
  9. Albert Hofmann (or was it Terrence McKenna? damn stoner memory) was injected with a shitload of the substance he (Hofmann) discovered a few hours before he died, that's how I want to go out.
  10. If I make it to my deathbed, sure.
  11. Thats never actually been proven. Common belief though.

  12. Citations?

    Either way buddy, i bet death is a trip...
  13. id do it. nothin to gain nor lose. just sit back and wait for whatevers out there and give it a big finger for not show its ugly ass face before.
  14. I pray every day that my last breath will have cannabis smoke in it.

  15. id want to die sober. if i were to die high, id want my friends and family to be with me and also be high. then once im dead, they would still be high and knowing them while high, they would try to recreate the film "weekend at bernies" or worse...
  16. If anything is debilitating enough to have me crippled in a bed I wouldn't want to live.
  17. when i die i am going to be so stoned i wont even know i died.
  18. I also have thought of this but I say depends if family is around. If no ones there yea I wanna be high, if people r there no I dnt want to be high
  19. Nah i'd definatly wanna be sober so my last thoughts are clear and not so scary...i'd be buggin if I was high and dying....

    Serisouly try smoking a joint and consider killing yourself. Its fuckin impossible for me..

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