Being happy

Discussion in 'General' started by Kronologick, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. When my Mother found out I smoked marijuana she claimed that I'm not as sensitive as I use to be, my heart is smaller, and that I don't care about things as much. I agree with her completely. I'm not sure if its only me, but ever since I have started getting stoned and sat back at parties, or anywhere where there are a bunch of people, I realized that people worry so much about stuff.

    Why do you need to grow up, marry a woman, and have kids? Why do you have to live the life that is believed to be how you live life. Lets put this in perspective, if I wanted to live in an apartment, smoke marijuana and play video games every single day.. I'm happy, very happy, and I'm not stressed out, yet others will look at me as unhappy.

    I can't finish this at all way too intoxicated, I hope I might of made a point.
  2. You see friend, the purpose of life is to find happiness within yourself. If that means spending your life with Mary, and playing video games, then god dammit do it man. The American dream is a lie, so you must make your own dream come true.

    It's called having that "fuck-it" in your system. You let go of all the little things in life and look at the big picture, a broader understanding of what really matters in life. It's not that you're a careless.

  3. Well I can see your mother's point in that if everyone felt like that and was only concerned with their own sense of happiness, new generations wouldn't be created or flourish. Everyone would sit in their apartment, smoke weed and play video games instead of procreating and providing a better life for their children. :D

    But I too sometimes feel that cannabis can depersonalize me and restrict my emotions and desires. When I feel like that I just stop smoking for a while.
  4. Exact opposite of me when I smoke. Whenever I smoke, I go out and have a fucking blast, I don't worry about anything sober at all, other than what I'm going to be doing when I'm high that day lol.
  5. Without it I feel like my desires are restricted. With it it fills me with personality.
  6. I'm living in an apartment at 25 with a full-time job and going to school part-time. I haven't dated in 2 years.

    Most of my friends are married or have girlfriends and one even has a kid. I just don't want that lifestyle yet. I have some things I want to do for myself first. I would like to start dating again but I don't want anything serious right now.

    I feel like I haven't truly discovered myself yet and I need to before I can make someone else happy. Right now, I'm neutral. I'm not happy but I'm not depressed either.
  7. I don't understand why anyone would ever get married and have kids. Kids suck. They're annoying and get in the way of having fun. Why would people choose that?

  8. To carry your lineage on... to create someone of your own that will live on past your death... to have a family and a little bit of a higher purpose in life than your own fun... to be loved back...

    Those are just guesses though. I don't have kids. :D

  9. How old are you? You may change your mind.

    I definitely want a child someday. Would love to have a boy to go camping, fishing and to do other activities with. Being able to teach a child that is yours seems like a great thing.

    Now I do despise a spoiled child. I cannot stand it. If my kid doesn't listen to me, I'll beat them to death :).
  10. Because you want them. If you dont, no one is making you
  11. My kids gonna be happy as fuck. Every birthday is gonna be like this:

  12. Happiness is just going on your own path man. I myself dont plan on startin a family, not that I can rule out the possibility of accidentally knockin some girl up but theres shit I want to do that I wouldnt be able to do if I had to be elbow deep in diapers and PMS all day long, including smoking from sunrise to sundown if I feel the need, or taking a last minute trip to Antarctica, or some cool shit like that.
  13. I could not agree more with you man. You hit it right on.
  14. I feel you on this. Fuck the American dream, I've been chasing that, trying to please people in my family and so on, and it hasn't felt right for me. I realize now do what feels right for yourself. Your parents want to be and act in a certain way, but you have to make life decisions and do what is best for yourself. Don't worry if they see you as a "bum" or anything like that.

  15. What if society itself views you as a lazy bum? :smoke:
  16. Doesn't matter to me, as long as I'm not living on welfare or on the street I won't view myself as a bum.

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