Being drunk is not as good as being high...

Discussion in 'General' started by Twist3d, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Hey guys....


    Yeah, I'll probably get a lot of "Cool story bro"

    but I dont give a fuck, I just wanted to say that im pretty drunk and its not as close as great as being high...


    I really dont enjoy being drunk... I love more being high...

    Last months I havent really smoked a lot of weed (Dry spells) and today it was my friends birthday so, free booze, not so great... yeah, i miss you mary janeeeeeee

    Oh, and I just got into a fight with my girl because she heard me telling a friend that I want a bong, and she started bitching about me smoking weed, so fuck her, i've shown her the union but shes too stupid to realize that weed is better than alcohol and shes not open minded at all...

    Ok take care guys cya!
  2. I think most of us agree with you. :smoke:

    Alcohol's quite the crappy drug when compared side by side, but it has its ups; screw it though, toke on.
  3. Drink more, it might solve your problem if you get drunker.

  4. :laughing:

    ...I would take the drunk OP's thread seriously...
  5. Then why do you drink?


  6. Cool story, bro
  7. More for me [​IMG]
  8. Alcohol makes things more berable, weed makes things better.

    Simplest way to put it.
  9. Alcohol Numbs ya

    Weed Enhances ya
  10. dude, im with you on that one. currently on probatiom, and i smoke when i can(in between teasts), in the inerum, drink and smoke legal smoking blends.

    i mean i like drinkin(pretty drunk right now), but id much rather smoke a fat bowl than get drunk any day of the week

  11. And you sound so open minded.

    To the thread title you are fucking late bro.

    And some people like beer more.
  12. I'm personally a fan but I'm also scot irish..
  13. cute,I just a fan of it
  14. I think too much during the week.

    Sometimes, I like to just not think, and react solely on my idiotic indulgences.
  15. im not a fan of drinking but i'll drink a couple of light bears sometimes, But i have to drink it slow

    If i drink normally or fast i feel like shit, It's good in moderation.

    Too many fucking alcoholics they should ban it too, but that bullshit imagine standing and some drunk fucker just slams into you

    drunk blows past stop sign, stoner waits for it to turn green:smoke:
  16. lol happened to me on more than one occasion
  17. haha i cant type worth shit when i'm drunk, nice skittlez yo. but yeah i mean if you have just the right amount of drunkness it feels pretty damn good, but i would rather be high you are right my goodSA
  18. Alcohol is a much better social drug in that it gives you more confidence, weed makes you more sensible imo.

    Fuck going to a party stoned, getting drunk is the way to do it if you're with more than a few close friends.
  19. Weed is great

    But sometimes a good mixed drink can go a long way. :smoke:

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