Seriously, how many times have you trolled someone in real life, or acted like a smart ass and felt good? As long as you joke around and let the victim know it, it makes the situation better then it is. Yeah, that's how rape usually goes : D See, I just trolled myself.
all i do is troll people. all day everyday. my entire life is a giant troll, i exist on this earth for the sole purpose of fucking up other peoples programs. i been trolling the system since before trolling was called trolling. if you ever been to seattle and seen the giant fremont troll you have seen me.
Once I raped a girl and afterwards she was crying and I was like "HAHAHA JUST KIDDING...I WAS JUST TROLLING U." and she was like "haha u got me!" and then we moved on
Trolling is a strong, black, independent white dude that doesn't need a lion to make his tail wiggle.