Being a Nice Guy

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Sr. Pyzik, Jul 31, 2007.

  1. After a nice J of some good hydro shake come to by this place im housesitting has this guy fixing their floor cause it got ruined in a flood. I go to make some pizza hut from the night before and i ask the guy if he would like any food. He responded. "No, but thank you for asking." Pat on the back for being a good guy.
  2. haha is this whats considered being a nice guy now? i thought offering food was a basic human social skill
  3. Er, I think Pyzik's referring to the polite and grateful decline of the offer.
  4. i would consider the grateful decline a basic human social skill as well...
  5. Basic, yes, but common?
  6. I love people who appreciate what you do for them.

    People who tend not to notice what others do for them are the ones with few friends.
  7. That was good dro.
  8. That was great dro.

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