Beginning a Grow.

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by NtSoSlw, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. Happy Superbowl day everybody. I am sitting here watching the superbowl and I had the bright idea that the grow room that I have been thinking about and saving for needs to happen. I live in an apartment with two other roomates who also enjoy a devent herb. I have a nice size closet that I was planning on growing in! I was considering running 4 T5 bulbs that are 250W and a custom made tent. I have been germanating seeds since 12;30 today, I am hoping next week we can get all the supplies to attempt the proper grow.
    I am still a little lost as to what soil to use, I fgure I will just go to the local hydroponics store and ask them there best recomendations but if anyone can suggest me a decent brand, i would greatly appreciate it.
  2. bad idea havin roomates.....has bad news all over it. but its ur freedom, not mine....

    another your grow....then germ the seeds. you'll understand what i mean in the next coming weeks when you come back with heat issues and ur pH fluctuates more than oprah's waiste line....

    see you soon
  3. Breaking the first rule tell no one even tho they are roommates they can still tEll other people
  4. #4 Oregons Finest, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2011

    I figured I would give you some real advice rather than rain on your parade. You are old enough to weigh the pros n' cons.

    Start with a sunblaze 48 fluorescent t5 HO. It come installed with 8 bulbs msrp $245

    Get a means to measure PH. I can ramble all day about the importance but it remains one of the most important factors in growing ( it governs what nutrients are taken up and how much). Basic PH guideline --- Add your base nutrient (go with floranova grow) following the feedchart on the back of the bottle. Mix it well and check the PH, if it is below 6.5 add "PH UP" stir and wait 5 mins to PH again to see if it is closer to a PH of 6.5.
    If your PH is higher than 6.5 (It shouldn't be if you added nutrient) then add "PH down" mix wait 5 mins to check again. Never overshoot/undershoot and mix the PH up/down in the same water supply.

    Get a hygrometer (measures temperature/humidity) keep your humidity around 50% and temp at 74ish degrees. I could preach all the benefits but I am sure you can find countless things about mold, pests etc.

    FANS FANS FANS AND MORE FANS. Keeping airflow moving keeps a uniform temperature and acts like wind; strengthening the stalks to support more "flowers".

    When they get a decent size, anywhere from knee high to waist given your space. You need to replace your blue bulbs with red fluorescent bulbs. They provide the right spectrum of light for flowering plants. You will need a basic timer so you can switch to a 12-12 light schedule (12 on 12 off signifies a change to fall with plants making them flower).

    As far as soil goes, I would suggest ReadyGro moisture mix from Botanicare (simple once a day watering). If you want something that isn't of the soilless nature I would go with Fox Farm's Ocean Forest.

    Feel free to ask any more questions. The more you know, the better your first crop will be.

    Also be careful with your so called "friends" everyone acts different when a few thousand dollars is staring them in the face. Not to mention the legal ramifications of them snitching you out once then get popped.

    All of these things can be found at your local hydroponics retailer, I am sitting at my job at a hydroponics shop looking over what you would need for a bare minimum closet grow.

    Floranova Grow
    Sunblaze 48 (8 red bulbs when you need to go 12-12 to induce flower)
    Hygrometer (temp/humidity gauge)
    Whatever pots you get your hands on.
    PH test kit for 8 dollars or an electronic one starting at $50
    PH up from general hydroponics brand (It isn't concentrate leaving more room for error with beginners).

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