Beginners and Pros

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by razmatazz cannabis, Oct 24, 2014.

  1. I have been reading the forum for several months, and decided to post a thought against the so called PROs on this forum...
    Why is it necessary to send cheap shoots at the beginners; lets find out WHO the beginners really are.
    I started growing medical appr. six months ago, indoors in a soil medium. In three months I harvested a yield of .50lb off two plants; then I started experimenting. Without any fertilizer whatsoever, only airated H2O.
    So PROs how many of you have mastered the art of splicing; I have both in seed stage and quartering tops, yep that's right splicing top. I have been able to splice Banana, White Widow, Boss and Bubba from quartered tops and now I have my OWN strain. Secondly, I have been able to splice seeds, it wasn't easy but I succeeded and now am growing my own strain splice of Blue Mystic and White Widow.
    Also, for the so called beginner, spraying or misting your plants in veg state is very important if you grow inside regardless of the medium, do to the fact that they are not subjected to wind the stocks tend to be weak and brittle, also I have found that re-potting constantly cuts into the THC factor, binding the root systems forces the THC and CBD levels. I also re-veg my plants, this is a matter of increasing light cycle from 12hr back to 24hr.
    And finally, I read the stupidest comment that cloning decreases the plants genetics therefore THC and CBD levels decrease over time. Yoo PRO your cloning the same plant NOTHING DECREASES IT'S A CLONE...I have gone from not knowing anything about growing to, having two of my own strains from splicing, and able to stagger my plants (50) and having a harvest every 40 days.
    So for a beginner NOT to FRAKN bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. That would be great and if you can advise me on how to check on replies.
  3. #4 Captain_Jack, Oct 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2014
    Are you asking advice on your grow, or are you asking why some people on GC give rude replies to some beginners' questions? If it's the latter, I'd say it's because we see the same questions day after day, and those who have been here for years have been seeing the same things for years. It becomes frustrating when people come here and ask silly questions that could have easily been answered via google, such as "what is the difference between indica and sativa?" If they want a real response and not the scientific one google would provide, they could use the search button. It's not that we're trying to be rude, it's just that we want some people to use common sense. Ya know what I mean?

    And good job on your grow man :) just never get content with it. There's always more out there to learn!

    Happy toking!

    Sent from four score and seven years ago
  4. To 4score and seven;
    That I can understand, it seems that most don't know what common since is anymore and have to have step be step instructions. Thank you for your reply. It's been an experience for me, and always can use advise. And if you don't know the difference between Indica and Sativa then you shouldn't be growing...
  5. So imagine being on this forum for years and seeing the same dumb questions, from people who don't know a thing and can't be bothered to read or research. Wouldn't your responses get snarky after a bit?

    And good for you, you've got a green thumb dude. But I fail to see the point of your thread? Were you looking for some sort of affirmation that you're not a newbie? That doesn't come from anyone else but you dude.

    So way to go dude. May your plants be bushy and your weed jars ever full.
  6. Naw, but thanks..I posted because I was getting a little irate that beginners kept getting slammed. As I have been corrected that there are those that don't have common sense to read. I too, have a very little threshold for idiots...
    Next posting I'll post pics of my laboratory and more specs on my girls.
  7. Here's to great grow, a plentiful harvest and the high of our success even better... :metal:
  8. Dude if what you are doing is working then there are no real mistakes.
    You harvest fat sticky buds then that is all that matters. Put up some pictures and show off those girls.

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