beggining growing scrog

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by yopimpette, Jun 20, 2007.

  1. so ive built a box approximatly 24"(length) x 24"(height) x 12"(width) with a wooden pot at the bottom approx 3" deep and 20" long and 7" wide. just wondering if this would be fine for growing 2 plants using the scrog method or if they need deeper pots to root.

    im using 2 bulbs that are 60W, 800lumens. One on each of the plants

    could i possibly fit 3 or 4 plants in this box or is 2 enough

    this box is also a stealth box kept in an attic so it will be quite warm and humid, with 1 exhaust fan and intake fan. the plants are northern lights x skunk.

    any feedback or suggestions would be appreciated

  2. Plants will root in shotglasses... but if you're asking can you finish out the entire grow with a small pot like that, sure!

    You can grow an entire plant in a dixie cup, but it will require MASSIVE maintenance, hourly watering and serious attention to nutes. The bigger the pot the more water it holds, more nutes and more room for the roots to grow. Bigger roots = Bigger plants/buds.

    When you say 'quite warm' just make sure that 'quite' = a max of 80-85F... anything higher and you'll damage the plants.

    Most finish up plants in 2gal-5gal buckets... using smaller pots will work but again, the smaller the pot the more time you'll need to spend babying them.
  3. I think you would need more like 5,000 lumen's a plant, get some more lights in there!

    Also, if your attic is anything like mine, your gonna need some serious ventilation to protect those babies!
  4. I think you're going to have an issue with the bulbs your using... they are only 13w not 60w.

    You need to look at the wattage that the bulb itself putsout... not what the incadescent equivalent is (which is where your reading 60w)

    You dont have nearly enough lumens for 2 plants i would say... get stronger bulbs, and more of them... remember you can pretty much put CFL bulbs into the plants without harming them... they dont give off that much heat
  5. i have a few suggestions..
    your intake from the box try to connect to the interior of the house (try not to pull in the hot attic air, if the air conditioner is on even better) your roots will be fine if you grow 1 plant and you can fill that space with one ( youll need to know she is female) train the plant to grow sideways fill your space. this is easy with some string. at home depot they have 42 watt cfl equivilent to 150 watt incadesent get 3 of those and 1 plant will be happy, and yes 3 of them in that box they will give off heat..keep the air at the bottom of the cab moving and the exhaust high letting the heat rise and evacuate...

    gluck man.:smoke:.

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