Have a problem with my temp in my rm it is running around 79-83 degrees and humidity is 48%-60%. I bought a 6" Hurricane Inlet fan now I am confused do I put fan on outside of my tent hose to suction side of fan through my air cooled hps grow light to hose venting out my tent? Do I put fan inside tent and NO venting hose on discharge of fan just let it blow to bottom of my tent. Sorry to sound like an idiot not much instructions came with unit . Do I cool my rm or through my grow light? Any help thanks Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Well you would want to vent the heat away from the hps. As that's where the primary heat is coming from. My current 6 Jock Horror Autos, coco coir grow.
Connect the exhaust fan with a flexible duct directly to your lights hood - sucking the heat directly from the hot light and vent it outside with more duct, or into an attic, or wherever you can blow this warm air where folks won't smell it. Many folks use filters connected to their ductwork to assist in keeping the smell down also. Pictures of your area and hood will help if this doesn't. J
Ok thanks not at grow rm but will post some pics . As far as smell not a problem where I am located it is legal Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum