You chose who you wanted to be, you chose what you wanted to do in life, you chose your family, you chose your friends, you chose your school, you chose your likes and dislikes, you chose who you wanted to lose your virginity to, you chose who you will one day marry, you chose your morals, your intelligence, your aspirations, you chose yourself. Just food for thought... and discussion I kind of think the afterlife may just be a planning period for your next life, you write the whole entire story of your life, and then you go and live it.
So he chose one of the most dispicable and insufferable ways to cease? Why doesnt everyone choose to be billionaires with immaculate dispositions and impeccable intellect?
[quote name='"PassTheGrass"'] cause the world doesn't work like that... [/quote] But then doesn't that mean your theory Is incorrect? The world would work the way we want it If we could write our own script.
We do write our own script. We're doing it from the 'get go', although it usually takes a long time to realise this and make it work. Often, before this can happen, we have to find our way through all the shit that has been imposed upon us along the way by those who came before us and who believe they already know.
No the way im thinking, you could write the script for your own life, but not for other peoples lives. The world doesn't work the way only one person wants it to, it's full of compromises. So because of that, some people would have to compromise in the afterlife as well. But your next life would be based on the deeds of the last, so the better you are in this life, the less you have to compromise for the next.
so you're saying that the afterlife is full of the same complications and bullshit we have to deal with in this life? these 'compromises' we have to make in this life, like people dying in car crashes, getting raped, starving to death, disease... we choose this in the afterlife/beforelife? I dont know man, my way of looking at it is that we've got to go somewhere, better than here, maybe there's a universal consciousness we all go back to, or a god, or nothing. With your theory, you would still be around all that suffering from other people, no matter how virtuous your past life has been. It seems like a shitty afterlife to have to find out your going back into the same fucked up world you came out of.
The real jumping out of these loops we get ourselves stuck in..... All that predetermined shit goes right out the window the moment you toss the script and learn to improvise.... Your destiny like so much only what you make of it.... We can change the coarse anytime we choose... Before we are born we are entirely submerged We leave a place so dense it presses in around us....only to spendthe next phase in a sac of water.. Still all we know pressing in around us...the comfort of the womb.... Then comes the fall... down the canal.... Into the next phase.... To exposure... To separation.... With that first breath... That first scream.... We are already alone... From here in....there are only those brief moments when we feel that place....pressing in.. As sure as we are torn from the womb and tossed out to grow or wither as we may... we can change our course midstream.... Nothing we decide is sure as stone... There is no one way.... Except .......forward
[quote name='"HookedonPhonics"']This kid really wanted to die of malnutrition and aids! What a contemptible theory. [/quote] That kid chose what kind of person he is given the situation he is in. He didn't choose his oppritunities but he chose how he would handle it. He didn't choose contracting diseases from the nature around him but he chose how that affects his way of living. Served
That child didn't choose anything, he was an impartial victim of a terrible disease. His decisions included drinking un-sterile water or dying of thirst. What a terribly abhorrent and obnoxious perception to have on people that require help and deserve the same standard of living you clearly take for granted. To suggest anyone would choose to die a deprived and destitute existence is disgusting.
The idea that you choose your life is ridiculous. Yeah, the kids in beverly hills chose their life just the same as the kids in inner city LA. We're all victims of circumstance.
We all have our own lessons to learn The flower in the manicured garden of the rich mans home...tends to grow as its told... Limited by the wishes of those who own them... wilt and die without their masters/owners... Any flower that manages to bloom is the ghetto...earned its own way..
[quote name='"dirtydingusus"']We all have our own lessons to learn The flower in the manicured garden of the rich mans home...tends to grow as its told... Limited by the wishes of those who own them... wilt and die without their masters/owners... Any flower that manages to bloom is the ghetto...earned its own way..[/quote] As true and poetic as that is, we're talking abou people, not flowers. The core of who a person is... It's greatly shaped by their experiences. And no one chooses all of their experiences.
No they don't.... Yet we do each choose what it is that we will make of those experiences the impact they have on us.... What we take away from them.... entirely up to the individual.... This is why no matter the environment... No matter the struggle... No matter the pain.... Some fall prey to these things While others use these things as steps to rise above.... No maybe you didn't pick your situation....but your choices keep you there...or bring you someplace new All that and what in really trying to say may not pick where you start.... But you sure as fuck decide where you go from there
[quote name='"dirtydingusus"'] No they don't.... Yet we do each choose what it is that we will make of those experiences the impact they have on us.... What we take away from them.... entirely up to the individual.... This is why no matter the environment... No matter the struggle... No matter the pain.... Some fall prey to these things While others use these things as steps to rise above.... No maybe you didn't pick your situation....but your choices keep you there...or bring you someplace new All that and what in really trying to say may not pick where you start.... But you sure as fuck decide where you go from there[/quote] You do decide, but your experiences shape those decisions more than you would think. People are influenced in very subconscious ways.