Before I die, I want to...

Discussion in 'General' started by DaNKMaSTERx, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Take a hit from a blunt:smoke:

    ...on my deathbed.

    What would you want?
  2. Hell yeah! That would be such an experience:hello:
  3. Ride a T Rex off a cliff while playing guitar wearing nothing but a banana hammock. The T Rex does a 360 backflip off the edge too.
  4. When I'm actually on my deathbed, I want to shoot up just an amazing amount of heroin.

    However, before that; two girls at the same time.
  5. Shoot some hoops with MJ. That would be pretty chill.
  6. Before I die I want to give Obama a big HUG! haha
  7. [​IMG]
  8. see Jesus in the skies man !!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Smoke a blunt in a Bently while getting dome.
  10. I want to have sex with the real Nancy Reagan.
  11. go sky diving with out a parachute. but have someone with one and have them catch me and land safely
  12. smoke with a famous musician
  13. Have dinner with the women from 2girls1cup
  14. Witness the northern lights. Preferrably high.
  15. Get blown by three women at once. I'm a simple man.
  16. smoke like a chimney wherever the fuck i want:smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke:

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