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Before and After **GRAVITY BONG STYLE**

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Mikesu58, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. I'm bored and about to rip my grav bong 5-6 times with some dankkk Blue Dream. Who knows whats going to end up happening. I'll keep you guys updated with the aftermath. :bongin:
  2. just go do it and find out. get back to us. 2 liter gb??
  3. illl join ya. hah. and for me it will indeed be a 2 liter gb
  4. Mine's a 2 liter gb too, about to start ripping in in 4 minutes, Cheers to 420 brothers. Lol
  5. Ok so I took like 4 rips and then started doing stuff on facebook and completely forgot I was smoking LOL. Grav bong is whats up! I'm on cloud 7, Gonna pack another bowl tryin to get to cloud 9 ! haha
  6. fuck mac miller
  7. Hell ya gonna rip the gb with my boys later. Prolly gonna buy a 5 liter or something cuz that milk jug is too small for the bucket we use it in & we got a huge glass bowl so that shit just stays cherried. Will upload our setup & the hash we gonna be blazin :bongin:
  8. Gravity bongs are the shit. I can get baked as hell with a few friends off of half a gram. Then again none of us have any tolerances :laughing: either way, you use far less than with a spoon or a bong...

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