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beer and drug test

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by stonedtamato, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. i know this sounds really stupid but i heard that if you drink beer before a drug test you can pass i dont believe it but was wondering if anyone else had heard of this

    i heard that you would have to be drunk off beer while taking a piss test and you can passs

    please share coments

    please and thank you
  2. No. Drinking beer will not help you pass a drug test.
  3. Maybe I'm just really high, but I lol'd hard for a bit at this question :smoke:.

    But no, getting drunk doesn't cancel the fact that you have THC in your system if you recently smoked. That would be like smoking a J in order to pass a breathalyzer test while drunk. Being high doesn't make you not drunk lol.
  4. What ever you drink before a MJ piss test CAN help you pass the test. I did for several yers while in the US Navy. If you have enough time just drink, drink, drink (I used coffee) and pee several times before the test. Your urine will be diluted enough that they won't be able to detect the metabolites in your urine.

    Do this at your own risk.....I'm just saying it worked for me.
  5. Yeah sounds brilliant, get piss hammered and go in for the test and piss all over the wall and miss the cup.
  6. hey sounds like a good idea if you got nothing to loose
  7. Beer can work. The diuretic action of beer is due to the hops resin, which stimulates the kidneys, thereby contributing to the elimination not only of excess water in the body, but also of wastes and toxins.
  8. hard liquor the night before i heard makes you kinda sweat more and shit lol
  9. But also removes a lot of the stuff your body needs as well ;)
  10. beer would make you piss alot and dilute your urine sounds like it could help. but if its for probation it probably wouldnt work cause most of the testing faciliities for probation also do breath test.

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