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Been smoking Jack Herer

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by raydavies, Aug 13, 2012.

  1. #1 raydavies, Aug 13, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2012
    Usually I get whatever no-name weed I can find. However, recently I acquired some Jack Herer, and wow! Really clear, fairly energetic, cerebral high with just a bit of body stone. Also, the high lasts longer than pretty much anything I've smoked. Yesterday I was high for hours off of pretty much one bowl (though I have a low tolerance), and spaced out for many hours after that. Has anyone else tried Jack? It's becoming one of my favorite strains.

    Oh and it smells really good, not skunky like other strains; rather, it's kind of sweet and citrusy. At first I was skeptical of my new dealer giving me a strain name, but I researched Jack extensively and it is just like what I am smoking, down to the buzz, color, smell, look, etc.
  2. I bought some before apparently.

    I just remember the nugs was really condensed.

    That night, we passed a bong and bowls around and just spent a while smoking that. By the time we were done, I couldn't drive home because I was too high. First time that ever happened.
  3. I love Jack Herer! Definitely one of my fav strain. Enjoy it
  4. If its true jack herer u smokin on that good my man
  5. Yeah thats usually the description of straight Jack. Jack is the the head high.
  6. I have some right now and yup you do have some cause mine also has the lemon smell ......

    I love sativas that have that smell

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