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Been high for 2 days?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TheOtherFatJeff, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. So heres the deal. I'm on an almost constant t-break, do to lack of funds. But recently, me and my friend got some dough. We buy like an 8th. We are up all night rolling joints. Its fun. So, Friday night me and my friend smoked about 4 joints. I haven't smoked since. Now, its sunday at about 1 am, and I still feel a sort of buzz going on. My question is, have any of you had this sort of feeling?
  2. LOL i swear its impossible
  3. Haha yeah I know what you mean.
    Maybe not 2 days though but I can definatly feel something the next day if I was proper out of it. I usually fades by the day after that :(
  4. it can take up to 55 hours for your lungs to full process all the cannabinoids from the smoke. If you have a very low tolerance, perhaps due to being on a constant t break, then this slow stream of left over cannabinoids can be enough to induce a sort of afterglow high.
  5. everytime i smoke heavy before bed, i always wake up feelin groggy...its worse if i have work that day..
  6. A few months ago this happened, it wasn't a high for 2 days rather than being high, and waking up the next morning feelin out of it.
  7. I always go to bed stoned and I always wake up feeling a bit different.
  8. spent monday-friday burning out solo on an ounce after a 2 week t break..... im right there with u bro,
  9. that sounds like you made it up...
  10. I love it when that happens, it's like I'm in a super mellow state.

    I'm daily smoker I blaze about a oz in about a week and this happens to me every now and then.
  11. i must not be smoking the right weed lol. Nvm had this happen to me
  12. Yes for like a week but it was known that there were other substances in the bag.

    Never from weed alone though.
  13. you explain it then...

  14. If that was true, then you would be smoking and have to wait 2+ days to feel the high.:rolleyes:
  15. Lol!

    I feel like ass the next day when I get decent bud...

    Basically tired, cant be bothered to do anything, mentally retarded.

    Just smoke less/allow more time before you goto bed, stoned sleep aint good ya know ;)
  16. Something like this usually happens to me if I smoke before falling asleep. I'll wake up still feeling slightly high, and I'll admit that feeling has been known to last hours.

  17. no its true. he said ALL that means that some of them rush quickly for the quick high but some straggle behind and take up to the 55 hours
  18. 80-95% of the cannabinoids get absorbed into your blood stream within the first few seconds.

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