Been feeling weird ever since I smoked 3 nights ago

Discussion in 'General' started by crayzclown, Jul 25, 2011.

  1. Hey GC, I've been feeling really out of it ever since I blazed 3 days ago. I smoked 2 bowls of some REALLY dank Green Crack on Friday night and chilled, danced, listened to music, the usual high stuff. I went to bed, and when I woke up around 9 hours later, I was really groggy and I felt funny. At first, I thought I just had the "Day after groginess," but the next day, I still felt the same. And today, I still feel a little funny.
    The feeling I have been experiencing is kinda like being buzzed, I'm dizzy, sounds are different, I have trouble focusing, and I find myself spacing out alot, bit I can still function perfectly fine, and I act normally.

    So if you guys here at GC can help a beginner stoner, (Been smoking for maybe a year) that would be great.


  2. You haven't smoked in 3 days, there's your problem
  3. #3 antoniown, Jul 25, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    This guys got it

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