Been a pretty good week

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by NickM420, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. So I rolled four joints on sunday and still had a few bowls left over. I kept the bowls in a bag with a tiny pipe in my dresser. I smoked all the joints already and smoked a bowl with the pipe. However I was under the understanding that I smoked all my weed. I was taking some deodorant out from my dresser and found that I still have a few bowls of non-smoked weed. This is the first time I've ever found weed that I didn't know I had. It's like a present. :D

    I've also been dieting and working out for a few months now and I'm really starting to see results, and it feels mad good. I also found out that I'm heading out to Florida on spring break with my brother. Gonna be fun!

    To add to all of that I'm back in business with the ladies after a break. Feelsgoodman.

    Life is going quite smoothly. This next bowl is for Grasscity and all it's blades. :smoke:
  2. Sounds good to me. Glad you're having a good time.

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