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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by The Captain K, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. IS it any good? Does it enhance the flavor of your weed? Or will that shitty taste still be there?
  2. What shitty taste???
  3. dirt weed

  4. well in that case no i doubt beeline will enhance the flavor at all.
  5. it's alright, i just find it more of a hassle so i dont use it very often unless i have a candle or some shit going
  6. I love it. Itll enhance the flavor of your hit, meaning youll get a purer taste of the bud. I can notice a difference between using a bic and beeline, thats for sure.
  7. Not DIRT WEED, Fool. I get good bud, just I hate that harsh taste .. will it make it taste sweeter?
  8. Get more favorful buds ie: get some real dank stuff.

    If it doesnt have a very distinct flavor it more than likely isnt top quality.
  9. I just got a box of Beeline yesterday. I'm liking it enough to use it often. It enhances your ability to taste the herb without adding any of it's own taste. In other words it won't make herb that tastes bad on its own any better but will allow you to get the full flavor of what you have.

    When smoking out of my pipe I can taste the butane flavor from the Bics I use. With Beeline I taste the herb and nothing else.

    Another added benefit is that the flame is smaller and more manageable. You can burn a little part of the bowl at a time with ease. That leaves you with more green hits per bowl.

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