Becoming blind or color-blind

Discussion in 'General' started by METARON, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. So this this guy I know tells me he woke up yesterday not being able to see color. He sees things in gray (or monotoned vision).

    How the hell do you wake up color blind one day just like that??
    It's so strange.

    Even stranger, his dad went blind one day out of nowhere. Completely blind.

    Weird shit :confused:
  2. Sounds like bullshit to me, almost impossible for that to happen to a male since they are less prone to becoming colorblind, if it was a female I would say see a doctor ASAP
  3. colorblind doesn't mean you can't see color
  4. i used to think life was black and white back before colored cameras when i was a kid


  5. actually it does depending on how severe.

  6. I know he's not the kind of guy to bullshit like that. Unless he has some kind of motivation.

    Why is that males can't get blind but women can??
  7. Colorblind is more of genetic disorder...unless you had bad light exposure overtime... Never researched it thoroughly though so who knows...I doubt he just "woke up colorblind"
  8. stop staring in those HPS lights.
  9. Men are more prone to most types of colorblindness than women (much more for red-green colorblindness). There is shit that could happen to you that could make you go blind in a day, but monochromacy is the rarest form of color blindness, so I have doubts he really woke up with it
  10. Shit id rather wake up color blind than legally blind.
  11. As was mentioned above me, men are much more prone. Females carry the DNA that causes color blindness though. If you look up statistics, it's actually fairly rare for women to be color blind/deficient.

    Also to the person who said "Color Blind doesn't mean you can't see color." It does. It means you see in a monochrome. However, Color Deficiency (which is commonly referred to as color blindness even by the people effected by it) is what causes you to see colors differently. I believe it was on these boards a while ago that I talked about the whole color blind deal. I'm someone who is fairly color deficient. I have trouble with both red/green and yellow/blue. It's fairly inconvenient...

    Now in regards to the blind/color blind overnight discussion. It's definitely possible. Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy. Your eyes can begin to degenerate rather rapidly if Leber's sets in. You might notice your vision getting worse overtime, but before you can make it to the doctor, you might actually go blind. It usually takes about a month to go completely blind, but in some cases it has happened extremely fast (such as overnight). Whether or not this effects your color, I don't know, but I know it's possible to go blind overnight. You can find stories online about it.

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