Becoming a politician

Discussion in 'Politics' started by UpliftDrummer, Feb 14, 2013.

  1. Say i wanted to become an MP how the fuck would I go about it? its not like a normal job, how'd you join a party and represent them and get shit done?

    Purely hypothetical
  2. Register your name to be on the voting ballot, run a campaign based on promises you know you can't keep, get elected. Upon being elected whichever of the parties you most closely align with politically will claim you as their own. They will nuzzle you initially and then request that you pay your dues to the club by voting as they tell you to. Then you spend the next 2-6 years making sure you get reelected........ then it kinda repeats.
  3. however u do it goodluck...if u vote in favor of weed you got my vote...
  4. Gotta love that coerced salary
  5. Well,

    If you want to be a politician with influence you have to come from a line of money and typically prestigious schooling.
  6. Just promise people free stuff, more stuff than the other guy is promising.

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