Beck's theory on alliance between Islam, communist and socialists has proof

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Dronetek, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. Beck is often mocked and attacked by the media and they're followers on the internet. Very rarely do they refute with facts or evidence though. This is another case of that happening and someone proved it with clips from an Islamic/communist/socialist rally in the US.

    [ame=]YouTube - Beck's Matthews Mocked Conspiracy Confirmed: Communists, Socialists Working With Muslim Brotherhood[/ame]

    It certainly looks like Islam, communists and socialist with common cause to me.
  2. I'm certain there are capitalistic, christian, nationalist groups that work together too.
  3. /\ /\
  4. I wasn't mocking him, I'm mocking you.
  5. At least you admit your posts are worthless.
  6. I mean, so what if those groups are working together?
  7. So are yours. Its a politics forum, I thought that was a requirement. If your posts weren't hypocritical and dishonest in intent, I might put some effort into responding. But they are, so I don't.
  8. #9 Arnack, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    Haha, been a while since I've responded in GC's political forums.. I think most users that know tend to stay away... nonetheless...

    Islam is a huge organization. Hundreds of sects, categories and groups. We can say the same for communism.

    Just because one group endorses one position, and another sect rejects another ideology doesn't make Beck's assumptions realistic.

    Radical Islamic political groups go against the core tenants of socialism itself: fascism. It's not a hard concept to grasp. Obviously Marxists have a problem with the US foreign policy and imperialism, which was the the motive of the WWP speaker (which, take my word, isn't that much of a compelling voice in the socialist world)

    Comparatively, just because the tea party express endorses the tea party does not make it likely the two groups would merge together (just a quick example from the top of my head). How about U.S. support given to Muslim extremists during the gulf war? Could this possibly mean Americans and Muslims are working together to blah blah blah?

    Oh jesus, I could go on and on and on and on about this subject, even watched Beck's program for that episode -I can usually only stand one of his programs a week before the hilarity transforms to depression.

    tl;dr: there's absolutely no valid proof whatsoever to take Beck seriously about the assumptions he made.
  9. I wish people wouldn't stay away. We would have a lot more rational posts like this one and a lot less idiotic post's like OP's. You should stick around. If everyone who just stayed away came in here and posted, then people like Dronetek would be outnumbered. Maybe we could have some threads that didn't come down to left vs right every single damn time once in a while.
  10. His point was that the ideologies have common purpose and I think the rousing endorsements of allegiance in that video bears that out. What is it you think cant be taken serious. Be specific.

    If only people would just accept your perspective of things and not challenge you. A guy can dream cant he?

  11. lol thats a good one

  12. Yes, and they are all pretty much working toward collectivism, socialism and globalism as well.

  13. #14 aaronman, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    The associations Beck is making are based on vague similarities like disagreeing with Israeli government policy... a lot more than just liberal pinkos and islamofascists fit into that group.

    I often find myself defending Beck because the people who hate him are blinded by bias, but some his collectivist theories like this one are blatant, unabashed fear mongering, designed only to generate popularity for his TV and radio... sermons.

    If the left-media actually cared about journalistic integrity they would stop feeding the troll, but it's obvious they obsessively cover Beck to denigrate the right and energize their own base.

    edit: changed Zionist for Israeli govt... not all Zionists are represented by their government.

  14. I find tremendous value in this post.
  15. Quick take on this.

    So what if they are working together? That's what people/organizations do when they are trying to achieve a greater goal. I think of the the saying, "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer". If any of those groups were to gain the upper hand on another one, don't think for a second that the "enemy" side won't turn on them in a second.

    The U.S., Russia, Christianity, Islam, whatever. All any of these individual groups working together are doing is trying to further their own ideological interests. It's all a big game. I know saying that playing with peoples lives is not a game, but really, it is. The goal is to win. That is all it is about.

    Say monopoly is played in real life. You have two green pieces and need that third to build hotels. The person that has that green has one red and you have the two other. BUT, say that person that has that one red is a nasty, nasty owner, treats his tenants like shit, but he won't give up that green unless you give him the two reds. You may not like what he's doing, but in the long run of the game it is better to have the complete greens than it is to have the complete reds. So you make the trade, knowing full well what is going to happen to those people living in those reds. You may be out three reds at the time, but you know the greens are better to have when it comes to the end game.

    Idk, that may be off topic, I guess I'm just not surprised with anybody working with anybody anymore. Beck may very well be right, but when it comes to the end of the game you can be sure as shit they still won't be working together.
  16. I do too.
  17. Fuck Glenn Beck, he rips all of his shit off of,, and various other conspiracy websites. And then proceeds to feed it to the Big Dogs, who then regurgitate it back at him censored, and Televisionally acceptable.

    Lack of Originality... COMPLETELY
  18. The quicker the left vs right's, communist vs capitalist, my God is better then yours groups wipe each other out, the quicker the rest of us can have our planet back.

    Stop blowin it out your asses and get to it already.

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