Beauty needs a name...who cares to help?

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by aceer15, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. Hey y'all,

    Just got a new bong the other night, havin a hard time namin it...comin to the good ol' faithful GS community for some help.

    Name away people:smoking:

    Photo on 8-7-12 at 9.17 PM.jpg
  2. I can see it as a Sara.
  3. How about a French name? Francois would be bad ass. When I picture a Francois I see a Smooth dude and that bong my friend, looks like it hits smoothly.
  4. Naming a bong after a guy would be awkward. You're sucking on something with a dudes name. No offense to anyone that likes doing that, but it's not my cup of tea. OH what about Mandira? It's an indian name, meaning temple!
  5. agree with dillon, I'm gonna try to give it a non-human name if that makes sense

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