Beatles best band ever? Yes or NO

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by 420blogger, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. Just wanted to start a thread about: Are the beatles the best band ever? I'm sure there is a lot of different opinions out there and i'm wanting to hear them.. Post your opinions

    Are the Beatles the best band ever?
  2. No. Top bands ever, yes.
  3. It's all based on opinion.

    Top 5? Probably. They aren't the best though.
  4. One of the best bands ever ... definitely the best song writers.
  5. Best band? no imo that goes to Led Zeppelin hands down:metal:

    Most important band? Theres no denying it's The Beatles

  6. yeah i would for sure have to agree with u on best song writers. They did come out with 20 albums in 6 years i believe. No band/singer does that now days most bands are lucky to come out with one album a year.
  7. best band EVER? hell no.
    i honestly think that theyre mostly hype.
    not that i dont like em, but they arent "all that"
  8. They are one of the best. They did a lot for pop music. One could even view "Helter Skelter" as one of the first metal songs. So in terms of what they did for the musical landscape, they're good, but in no way do they take the cake as the best band ever.
  9. nope i dont even liek them..XD
  10. I would have to say yes. They are personally my favorite band of all time, but more important than that they had such a large influence on every band after. They were the first band to use distortion in there guitar playing with the song "I Feel Fine." And many other things but even without this contribution where would Rock-N-Roll music be? Also, they produced one of if not the greatest albums of all time in Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band.
  11. They're definitely the most influential and the best songwriters. But overall i dont think they're the best
  12. #12 crackrockstdy89, Jan 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2010
    They definitely influenced alot of good music, and were really innovative with their music, but no not the best band ever. Actually, i can't even listen to the beatles. I respect them for what they did, that doesn't mean that i like any of their music though. Too poppy sounding for my taste. Has anyone ever heard of Beatallica though? Some band that covers beatles tracks, but fast-paced speed metal style. Crazy stuff

    This songs a funny one, it's i wanna choke your band instead of hold your hand. classic
    [ame=""]YouTube- Beatallica - I Want To Choke Your Band[/ame]
  13. The Rolling Stones baby, the Rolling Stones were the "Greatest Rock and Roll Band of all Time". :hello:

  14. start a poll bra
  15. #15 frankincense, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2010
    i dont know that they are the best ever, but def one of the most influential ever. and i dont really even like thier music much, but giving credit where it is due...
  16. They are a great band but I don't think a person could say 'well this is the best band ever'

    You can say that someone is better but there are so many genres and bands as well as this being subjective
  17. the Beatles are definately in the top 5. they where one of the most influencial rock bands ever though, but for the title of best band ever, there's just so much compition there like Pink Floyd and Led Zepplin. they're still increadible though
  18. A challenger appears...
    [ame=]YouTube - Black Out Band - Video Games[/ame]
  19. IMO its the doors.


    no band really gives off the same mystical atmosphere the doors do.
  20. First off, I don't really believe in the term "best band ever". There are a few reasons, one being that most people base that statement off of their own opinion rather than true musical ability. Also, because who has really heard every band there is to hear? Especially considering the messed up methods of the music industry, musical ability is NOT what they are looking for. Marketability is what they want.

    Most people have a hard time keeping track of mainstream semi-mainstream bands, who's to say there isn't some obscure band that just blows them away?

    However, you also have to look at the word "best". There are many ways that word could be interpreted. My assumption is that best would describe their abilities as musicians, some might argue that it's synonymous with "most popular". But there is definitely a difference between most popular and most talented.

    Moving forward. The Beatles....excellent band. Visionaries is what I would consider them. They are/were truly unique and it certainly wasn't all about their musicianship. Part of it is their execution of their music, part of it was really just about what the world was going through at that time, the mindset people were in, etc. etc.

    Their music was very relevant to that time period, in addition, music was a little more sacred back then. If a band like them came out now....well...a band like that wouldn't "come out" now because of the way the industry has destroyed things.

    Best band? I don't think so.
    One of my favorite bands? Sure!
    We have to recognize the difference.

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