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beat this

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by critter, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. :wave: l smoke 50 bongs a day for 25 yrs .

    l drink 2 ltr of port a day.

    but l don,t take drugs .lol.:smoke::eek:
  2. Lol when I was a kid we knew a guy like you, it was a source of the sacred "old man weed".

    God I love old stoners! :smoke:
  3. what do you mean you don't do drugs your smoking pot and pot is a drug and caffeine is a drug and alcohol is a drug. A drug is a substance that affects the processes of the mind and/or body regardless if it is addictive or not
  4. i'm guessing that means you hit a bong 50 times a day rather than you hit fifty different bongs a day. if you had the collection for that, i'd give you some mad props. a fifty bong set would be awesome
  5. i believe i missed the point here...

  6. im with you.:confused::confused::confused::confused:?????????

  7. I think we're in the same boat on this one..
  8. [ame=]YouTube - I'm On A Boat (ft. T-Pain) - Album Version[/ame]
  9. Is it a riddle?

  10. :smoking: lol, umm me too.:smoking:

    have a great day all.:D
  11. ITT: lolwut?
  12. Seems a bit ironic we're asking for a clear, defined answer... on a forum about Marijuana usage. Haha!
  13. im interested to see your stash if you smoke as much as you claim
  14. hahaha. Yeah is it?

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