Be The Change You Want To See

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Gorgishmork, Sep 12, 2009.

  1. This is why I cant even begin to take you seriously.
  2. and i care because?

  3. He gave an extreme example?

    40% of the world population doesn't use a toilet.

    There are things wrong with our society and our government, but we are also extremely lucky to have what we do.
  4. We are only lucky because at one time we had a government that didn't feel the need to try to regulate every aspect of our lives "for our own good." At one time our government didn't get involved in economic affairs and trying to "guide business" to whatever ends the politicians wished for. At one time we lived in a free society where people could innovate and take the necessary risk to advance society. We use to live in a free market society that made it possible to have toilets in our homes and computers connected to the internet.

    Today we live in a growing police state which focuses more on denying more of our rights and raping us of more of our wealth than it is concerned with our freedom.
  5. #25 UnbyJP, Sep 13, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 13, 2009
    While that may be true, that stat is an average value from a world wide scale, and doesn't really say much of anything about individual nations. And beyond that, there is little to no indication which household (the one with or without the toilet) we'd end up in if any of us were born in another country. Except for people like me, cuz, I was actually born in another country, where...:eek:... some people don't have the luxury of a toilet, but I did. :D

    Either way, it's pointless to dismiss any critique of this nation because you can compare it to something worse, it's even more pointless to try to use a hypothetical situation (being born somewhere else), and even less relevant to use a statistic about the world population when discussing the differences of nations.

    Edit: I recall living without a toilet! It's called camping. I shit and pissed in the woods. It was horrible. Not because of the lack of toilet, but more importantly, the lack of toilet paper. Dried leaves just don't cut it. Maybe they should figure out how many people live without toilet paper?
  6. the funniest part is that we aren't discussing the differences of nations, we're discussing why some of you arent grateful to be in (lets face it) the greatest country on earth
  7. #27 UnbyJP, Sep 13, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 13, 2009
    The funny part is that you don't realize you are comparing this country to others (on earth :rolleyes:) when you make statements like, "the greatest country on earth". Or is it that you're not aware that comparing is to evaluate the differences between two or more things?

    It's also kind of funny how you claim we're aren't discussing this while you engage in a discussion that is completely based on that.
  8. you always miss the fucken point and nitpick on the most irrelevant things

    here let me rephrase,

    the funniest part is that we aren't discussing the differences of nations, we're discussing why some of you arent grateful to be in america
  9. Ummm, what he said still stands... and so does your implication after the failed rephrase. Good effort, though.
  10. so neither of us are actually talking about anything except for the conversation and words we used?

    good call bro
  11. You seemed a bit enraged I was trying to cool you down by showing how wrong you were... or something. :p

    You're right, that was a waste of a post.
  12. That's basically the equivalent of dousing a fire in napalm to put it out. It just...doesn't seem to work too well. :D
  13. If it came down to buying the best product for the money every time there would only be one company for each item made. Every year there is a car that is the BEST. Most safety, reliability, mpg... But 8/10 times its not American. Sure buying from company B is a good way to make company A change what they do, but buying a good product company A makes in enough volume will cause them to spend time making more of the same product. Japanese car makers started selling tons of cars because at the time they were the only ones doing small and fuel efficient. So that's where all their research has been for the past 40 years. This has led to their big #s of supporters, because it's what the public has been led to believe for so long. "Japan has the most reliable, fuel efficient cars." Today, as the demand has shifted here in America, so have the automakers designs. Now there's Cobalts making 40~mpg on gas only power. 10mpg shy of the King Prius that is running pirmarily electric, with less that half of the performance.

    It would sound like a grudge with Mitsubishi and Volkswagen, but is anyone stupid enough to believe that there aren't grounds for it? I know Americans have been brainwashed into thinking that we have to accept all things different because we're the Melting Pot, but this is too much. These people, were part of the enemy war machine! I know that doesn't mean much to young, liberal, "we're all one species" kind of types, but that part of the world's species sole thought was our destruction.

    As for flying our flag. It's our flag. That's all there is to it. It's not against your freedom to fly it. You're not betraying your parents' (or your) country you left behind on a boat. I'm not telling you it should be a law. You, as an American, should WANT to. A true American. If it makes Paco, Jin-Su, Aref, and Micky uncomfortable to see it, and you don't want to seem like a "douchebag, fuck immigrants, where's my shotgun," type of guy, encourage them to do the same. I think a big reason patriotism is down-played today is because everyone is afraid to look like a bigot. There are so many immigrants that it is more popular not to be proud of America, and more proud of your heritage. The negative stereotype of "Patriotic American = Racist Asshole" is only prominent because those are the only people left that aren't afraid to show they love their country.

    Yes, it's more expensive to buy domestic product. It's OURS though. SOME things are impossible: cell phones, tvs, tamagatchis.... Then that is the only place to go for it, if you want one. But give your country a chance, and at least LOOK for a comprable product when shopping. Don't pull the whole, "well lets not even bother to look for American because:"

    1. We're too lazy to look as Americans.
    2. America doesn't make a good _____.
    3. Those Japanese people sure love electronics, and when I think of them I think new cameras.
  14. Wrong buddy, it's because what you call patriotism is actually nationalism. And we aren't nationalist. Also, I'm a permanent resident, and I disagree and therefore oppose much of the current government and the role it plays in society and economy. People can't seem to separate love for a region with love for it's government or love for its corporate sector. Oh, and I'm infatuated with Japanese culture, and many of these 'cogs in the war machine' are now residents and citizens of this country. You're barely walking the thin line between advocating nationalism and being racist, and frankly, I think the latter is probably more applicable in your case.
  15. even if you "buy american" that only means the car or whatever product it is was assmble din AMerica. The nuts and chocolate in your "American" candy bar may come from Mexico or Colombia. The cotton in your "Maid in America" shirt might come from some other country with cotton. Car parts might be manufactured in China. The list goes on.

    Buying American is a clever PR campaign put on by labor unions and big 3 auto companies to "guilt trip" Americans into buying their cars, which in turn purchases the labor from big unions, alll to turn over massive profits via invoking peoples senses of patriotism.
  16. #36 TheDankery, Sep 14, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 14, 2009
    So it's not a grudge, in your words, but you think because we went to war with them, we should be cautious about buying products that are superior to ours at a lower price? I want to know what you call that sort of bizarre reaction that you've having if it is not actually a grudge. I believe that some people are stupid enough to believe that there is a logical foundation for what you're saying, however.
    So, in your mind, it's part of brainwashing and a "Melting Pot" mentality to buy products from people
    we fought about 70 years ago? I think you're a little paranoid here, man. Buying goods from our old enemies in WWII isn't "too much".
    What the hell, man? If you're younger than about 80, you have some explaining to do as to why you're so paranoid about people we fought 7 decades ago. As though " OUR species' " sole thought when using atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima was not actually destruction. Can you tell me what is the sole thought behind using nuclear weapons besides destruction? This is not a peaceful gesture. So many different nations and territories have been part of this "enemy war machine" you refer to. We've been enemies with so many different groups over time.
    What's the limitation on not buying good from people we've been enemies against in the past?
    You seem to be frightened by the notion that we are at peace with many nations we fought decades ago. Do you really expect the Japanese or the Germans to turn on us anytime soon? In fact, trading with former "enemies" is a great way to repair relations between us.

    I'm not a liberal, either. I'm just not consumed with some vaguely nationalistic rage here.
    Don't tell ME what I SHOULD WANT to do to be a "true American".
    Who made you Czar of Pro-American Activites?
    You have no power or authority over me, or what is means to be a "true American"; thankfully. As a free person in a free country, I express my freedom in whatever way I see fit. One way I express my freedom is by not flying a flag.

    You make yourself look like a bigot when you start talking about "Paco, Jin-Su, Aref, and Micky". Micky? That's a racial slur towards a person of Irish descent, like myself. Are you still afraid that the Irish are coming over here after the potato famine & they're going to take your job or something? I don't mean to scare you in any way, but I'm part Irish, German, Hawaiian and Chinese.
    I'm not afraid of looking like anything to anyone, I just don't like worshiping symbols or idols as though they have some magical aura about them.

    Once again, why would any rational human being want to pay more for less quality goods/services that his/her own country provides, rather then paying less for more from a different country? Is supporting inferior goods/services really beneficial to America?

    And why on earth would you use part of a Gandhi quote for this topic's title? Remember that it is said when asked what he thought about western civilization, he was said to have replied "It would be a good idea".
  17. You don't, but it doesnt change the fact that you're a jingoistic hypocrite so blind he cant see the irony in his own statements.

    I mean, you advocate freedom and patriotism as long as its YOUR brand of freedom and patriotism.

    You can take your great grand infallible country and shove it.

    Edit: Your American car was assembled in Canada.
  18. well it is MY opinion, so you can shut THE fuck up
  19. I think I'm going to start buying South African.
  20. The problem with YOUR opinion is it sucks ass. You're just too damned stupid to see that if everyone tried literally forcing their opinions on others like you advocate, we'd live in an even more oppressive society than we do today.

    Keep you and your shit opinion out of my house.

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