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Be Excellent to Each Other: Favorite stoned movie?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Karada, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. We're watching Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, which while I wouldn't say it's my FAVE to watch stoned, it definitely tops the list.

    Actually my favorite movie is Get Him To The Greek. We end up watching that once every week or two!
  2. Requiem for a Dream and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Typical yet amazing.
  3. I just really like the stupid comedy genre, lol. I don't like to watch anything that requires brainpower.
  4. Donnie Darko
  5. same here, just love stupid and funny movies.

    dude wheres my car, and of course harold and kumar etc.......
  6. Oh, I do like Donnie Darko. S. Darko sucked though. So horribly bad.

    And I love Dude, Where's My Car? We almost watched that instead.
  7. didn't we just do this thread like 2 days ago ?
  8. "The Holy Mountain" or "The Scarlet Pimpernel"
  9. Half Baked
    Cheech and Chong - Up in Smoke
    How High
    Knocked Up
    Pineapple Express
    Grandma's Boy
    Harold and Kumar
    The Union
  10. Theres already threads just like this, but anywayz; Just got done watching Pineapple Express for like the 100th time this week. Pineapple Express nuff said.

    If your on multiple drugs at once :)

    But seriously.

  12. My point exactly.
  13. how u guys even watch movies. i normally have no idea what the hell is goin on when i watch a movie high. i have to watch it again sober to even know wat its about lol
  14. pineapple express is a classic.
    also just watched smiley face pretty funny, probably even more funny stoned :rolleyes:
  15. Brought the MFLB and loaded a few trenches of some really good stuff at Tron 3d in imax. Needless to say It was the coolest thing ever.

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