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BC Roadkill chop pics

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by dagobaker, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. these are the just chopped bc roadkill
    ill repic (hopefully better pics next time)
    enjoy..........figuring the purps might get a bit darker after curing
    the taste and the high are simply amazing

    Attached Files:

  2. more pics..................

    Attached Files:

  3. These nugs are super dank and huge
    very dense and heavy
    cure should bring on some skunky smell
  4. Great pictures man!! Thank you for posting this, that bud looks dank my friend, enjoy! :) I`ll be looking forward to more pictures! Keep on toking :smoke:

    v nice bro
  6. very nice to see your progression over the last 3 years from your white widow back in the day great variety and cup winners nice color might darken after a cure
  7. By roadkill do you mean that this was ditch weed you chopped down?
  8. British columbia roadkill skunk
    cannacopia via hemp depot
  9. I'm from Ohio
    no ditchweed
    it's snow covered
  10. Beautiful looking buds man, +rep for sure. :smoke:
  11. holy shit taht is sum danky dank
  12. Those nugs look extremely attractive.....
  13. This and the super lemon haze are my current favs with white berry coming in a close 3 rd
  14. nice bud dude. and i see from the exif data you got a d40. how are you liking it? i just got one recently.
  15. well i like the camera but my pics could be much better
    need better lighting and a tripod and an upgraded flash

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