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BC - half of Purple kush + half of Bubba kush (LOTS OF PICS)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Stoner Steb, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. Blades, blades, blades... :smoking: :wave:

    Here we go, I just picked up a half ounce of purple kush as well as a half ounce of bubba kush. Payed $100 each half, $200 total.

    Enjoy :smoking:


    bag from outside

    bag from inside

    some pretty buds





    bag from outside

    bag from inside

    more pretty buds




    That took alot of time :D haha
  2. Nice buds dude!
  3. nice..gotta love the kush
  4. Gorgeous nuggys Brojay Simpson
  5. :D About to bust some of this up and try it out. Not sure which to try first. I'm gona have some sort of mindgasm in a second, no doubt.
  6. Yeah. That shit was good. Best nights sleep ever.
  7. Did you get that purple from a dispensary? I get that exact same one for 80/half

  8. No, not dispensary. My dude across the street haha. $80 a half is damn good.
  9. Those are some quality camera shots, really let's you appricate that color.
  10. 200 for that? Ouch. You didn't get completely hosed or anything but you should have gotten a much better deal

  11. Yea like 2oz for 200
  12. #12 Blu3B3rryKush, Jan 14, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2013
    i would gladly give $200 for that

    didnt even see the were both halves.

    damn id have to pay 300-350 for that...

  13. here in the suburbs of DC people give $400 for that
  14. What do you use to take pictures like that?
  15. hahah, okay norcal man.
    norcal is literally oblivious to the real weed world. hahahahhaha.
    i'd know, born and raised there.
    weeds sooo cheap there, it's crazy.

    i can get an eighth of mids for like $5 in chico CA near where i used to live in norcal, no i'm not lying.
    i know pay $10 a gram for weed now in WA, unless i'm buying in bulk i get slightly better deals, but not much.
  16. also nice pickup OP. looks dank for good price. :)

  17. My phone. HTC raider
  18. I understand but I'm comparing it to other people posting from Canada. Most people get the same type of deals as CA. $120 a zip of the good, shit like that.. I've seen it on this website.. This dude is probably legitimately getting ripped off
  19. Damn that`s beautiful

  20. I'm definately not getting ripped by my guy as I have known him fora while and he just wouldn't do that, and he also gets his qp's for $680 so he makes next to nothing off of me.
    Yeah I live in bc, but maybe my location isn't THAT primo.

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