Bc growing

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by canadakid1991, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. Hey all!!

    Going great here in canada
    Tempratures are around 17-24C
    For the last month and a bit
    Sun sun and lots of it

    I have 4 plants
    2xTexada time warp x blueberry from peakseeds
    White widow from bc seed kings
    Northernlights from peakseeds

    Started in 1 gallons then transplanted to 5gals then i shoved
    2 in the ground
    And the remaining 2 are in 7gal pots

    Ive been feeding them 8ml flornova bloom to a gallon

    Juts started to add
    AD mother earth super tea bloom and big bud 2ml under there recomended dossage per litre

    Also have some later starters of texads timewarp x skunk started mid june not expecting much from them

    I bushwack in 2. 7 gallon water containers at a time and use one per watering roughly every 3 -4 days

    They get alot of sun unsure how many hours but its a lot

    Enjoy the ladies

    Constructive critisism welcome

    Happy growing

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  2. Girls

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  3. #4 5150, Aug 4, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2012
    Get 20g pots. Transplant ASAP.
  4. if i put the other two in the ground
    Would that be beter??
  5. go with at least 10 gallons...the bigger the better....but 20 gals are really heavy to carry...tie you plants down too...bend all the branches over to open up all the sites that are getting blocked by sunlight...they look good tho...good luck!
  6. [quote name='"crazycanadian"']go with at least 10 gallons...the bigger the better....but 20 gals are really heavy to carry...tie you plants down too...bend all the branches over to open up all the sites that are getting blocked by sunlight...they look good tho...good luck![/quote]

    Put them in huge pots today idk the size but there 2ft. Deep and about the same in diamiter hauled in 3 -40l bags of premium soil just to fill the two

    And i will make a reminder to bring string next time i bushwack my way to the ladies im excited every visit!!!

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