BB's First Journey with Autoflowering

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by BB_Budworthy23, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. #1 BB_Budworthy23, Jan 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2010
    As you know I have a grow started with 5 plants at the moment. This is a journal of my first autoflowering plants. I am growing Short Stuff's "Russian Rocket Fuel"

    I soaked the seeds in water for 12 hours. Then put them in between two layers of damp paper towels and on a plate, into a ziploc bag that was left open. I then wrapped them in black plastic(the kind you cover the window with) and left them in my grow room where it is warm for 12 hours. I just opened them and this is what I saw...
    rrf germ.jpg

    I put them into Styrofoam cups with Fox Farms "Light Warrior" soil, watered and now they are under the lights!!
    RRF cups.jpg

    hole for cups.jpg

    seed starter.jpg

    rrf 1-14.jpg

    Updates to come..:hello:
  2. i love it. i just started auto's of my own. ours will be about the same harvest date:smoking::cool: first subscribed
  3. Watered again today. Had sprouts start popping yesterday and are already a bit bigger today!!

    I am just going to say this already though..I DO NOT APPROVE OF LIGHT WARRIOR FOR SEEDLINGS!! Its entirely too light and fluffy and some of my seeds sprouted oddly and were moved one is even sprouting on the very edge of the cup!! You can barely water without circulating the water and soil and thus moving your seeds! This made me very angry, and seeds I do from now on will be mixed with light warrior and the MGO/perilite mix i have left over from the first time, I like the compactness that miracle grow offers only for seedlings because my first seedlings did way better than these are doing at the moment!

    2010 011.JPG

    2010 012.JPG

    2010 013.JPG
  4. damn those look just like mine. we are at the same pace:smoking:
  5. AWESOME!! great to know, cant wait to have them grow before my eyes!!
  6. Day 8, looking good so far, watered last night and all seems to be going well!! YAHOO!!

    GROW 026.jpg

    GROW 027.jpg

    GROW 028.jpg

    GROW 029.jpg

    GROW 038.jpg

    the third pic is one that started growing upside down for some reason because the light warrior is so light it circulated some of the seeds the first time i watered but seems to be salvaged, i hope.
  7. suscribed i will be growing another one of short stuff seeds the blue himilayan diesel after my current grow. Will be following you all the way
  8. all is going very well i transplanted to three gallon pots tonight and am ready to see these bad boys grow!!

    a few things i have learned so far, i will NEVER use light warrior soil for seedlings EVER again, i also will never start with Styrofoam again for cups, next time its back to solo cups these that i used just hold to much water for too long and the soil is WAYYYYY to light!

    2010 037.JPG

    2010 045.JPG

    2010 046.JPG

    2010 047.JPG

    2010 048.JPG

    2010 049.JPG

    2010 050.JPG

    2010 060.JPG
  9. SO..all of the Russian Rocket Fuel auto flowering plants i have, turned out to be male, except one but i was not too sure on it so i just killed them all, since the auto strains are so small if i try them again i will be getting femmed seeds no doubt it is just too hard to tell what they are when there that small.
  10. fem are the only way to go on auto's i hate wasting time for a couple bucks more:smoke:
  11. yea i was so pissed!! and really disappointed but you live and you learn
  12. i had my eye on those russian rockets too wanted to see yours first. oh well:smoke:

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