NO CHECK IN'S NECESSARY FOR THIS ROUND!! 48 HOURS TO POST YOUR VERSES!! Remember the rules, 8 lines!!! Questions, just ask or refer to the original thread which I provided a link to below. Once both verses have been dropped, voting will ensue for 24 hours, then the winners, in this case, will be decided. Because there are 4 contestants, the When writing your verses consider the following: NO FEEDING/FLIPPING NO RECYCLING NO SWAYING NO BITING Any questions on the definitions of the rules, see the original Rap Battle Tournament Thread in the link above. In order for your vote to count you must leave an explanation as to why you voted the way you did, otherwise your vote will not be counted. You cannot vote for yourself, either. You MUST vote for 2 contestants for this round. kannabiskid fuck this first round..... but i got, a few shots in me, and nothing hurts now. i murk clowns when i go loud. i burst with sound as the world whirls round... so throw down... or just lay a verse down. letss see.. cave-mans, afraid?-damn. i already dug a grave in the sand.. just playin my hands are clean, imma made man. im the main attraction when im lightin the bong. schizomanic, you're doin it wrong, i got hype like king kong. but my minds been gone. on the mic ill slice you im still stong its unwise to sing song around the lifeless one so just light that blunt and git goin. as for domeofleers appearin in the upper tier... i show no fear, fuck the puppeteers DomeOfLeers This a brave man if he disses, cuz this gay man is a bitch and Caveman wont show, cuz Cavemans are Extinct reward u for ur wackness, medals, i award denture placements schizo only gets a-ward cuz hes a mental patient, Kannibis Kid is a faggity bitch whos married to Dick thats why he apparently Spits, his little mouth cant handle the shit You goin down, like a whore on cock, his ass sore from knocks so I'll throw Kannibis out the Window like I saw the Cops.
damn cant u sticky all the battles so we can see them all or theyll get lost... anyway dome of leers checking in
fuck this first round..... but i got, a few shots in me, and nothing hurts now. i murk clowns when i go loud. i burst with sound as the world whirls round... so throw down... or just lay a verse down. letss see.. cave-mans, afraid?-damn. i already dug a grave in the sand.. just playin my hands are clean, imma made man. im the main attraction when im lightin the bong. schizomanic, you're doin it wrong, i got hype like king kong. but my minds been gone. on the mic ill slice you im still stong its unwise to sing song around the lifeless one so just light that blunt and git goin. as for domeofleers appearin in the upper tier... i show no fear, fuck the puppeteers theres 8..
*pulsates* *charges head* This a brave man if he disses, cuz this gay man is a bitch and Caveman wont show, cuz Cavemans are Extinct reward u for ur wackness, medals, i award denture placements schizo only gets a-ward cuz hes a mental patient, Kannibis Kid is a faggity bitch whos married to Dick thats why he apparently Spits, his little mouth cant handle the shit You goin down, like a whore on cock, his ass sore from knocks so I'll throw Kannibis out the Window like I saw the Cops.
You flipped his caveman line, that isn't allowed. I guess you can be excused since its your first time? Just remove that line.. Closer was fire tbh