Bat Guano Tea Help

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by theBadDads, Nov 29, 2013.

  1. Is it possible to brew tea too long?  I left my tea brewing for three days and there is large chunks of something in the water, should this batch just be thrown out?

  2. #2 Agent57, Nov 29, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 29, 2013
    It may just be fossilized pieces of guano.  Does it look the same as the guano itself?  If the tea doesn't smell bad (anaerobic) you may try straining out the chunks and using it. 
  3. Mine gets chunks in it every time I make it. If you let it brew for a while some evaporation will occur, leaving tea to dry on the sides of the bucket that eventually falls, or gets mixed in somehow. I allow mine to go for a minimum of 3 days before using it.
    If it's frothy on the top and your tea smells sweet then you should be fine. Go with 7557rb's suggestion and strain it out before using it and you're be good to go.
  4. *you're good to go.

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