Bat guano advice needed

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by beerwaster, Dec 29, 2013.

  1. Alright, I've been looking for a solid answer to fix my worries regarding my initial once a week flush and bat guano as a organic flowering fertilizer due to its high NPK value. Question - "When I flush my plant once a week do I have to re-apply the bat guano every flush?" Help would be greatly appreciated, THANKS! 

  2. Where do I start to answer this one??
    Flushing... An organic growing mix won't need flushed.. It raises hell with your micro herd if your trying to go organic
    Bat guano isn't all it's touted to be.. if it's fossilized it'll take a long time to become usable to the plant not counting cave damage done to obtain it.. Sea bird if you must use a designer guano is a better choice.. Kelp or alfalfa meal is an alternate choice and far cheaper..
    A well built Organic mix won't require flushing or top dressing or really anything but water..
    Same with NPK.. that and meters and PPM and PH testing all goes out the window.. is what my own mix is based on but it's recycled FFOF as the base... Not promix..
    Just my 2 cent take on things.. happy growing.. BNW 

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