I think I wanna learn how to play bass. My cousin has an amp and a bass I can borrow. How hard will this be?
If you have big hands it well help you a lot, but playing bass isn't all that hard. Once you learn how to play, learn some songs by Tool. Their songs are fun to play.
I've only picked one up a couple times but its not hard. Pretty easy to strum out a few notes and sound decent at the beginning. Tough part is learning to press hardly where you need to while you are trying to get calluses. That comes with almost every stringed instrument, but the thicker strings don't help. You'll pick it up fast.
[quote name='"deadkndys"']Bass is pretty easy to learn compared to playing guitar. At least I think so.[/quote] no^ op: to learn how to play notes on bass will take one minute. To learn to think like a bass player will take years, some can and some never will be able to when it comes down to it, no instrument is easier than any other, because learning your instrument is only 10% of being a musician
So if I wanted to be a good blues player I'd have to grow a beard, claim I sold my soul at the crossroads, and play in dives all around backwood areas? You don't have to think like anything. Bring your own mindset to the form of music you like. I think that encourages creativity.
[quote name='"blackleaf28"'] to learn how to play notes on bass will take one minute. To learn to think like a bass player will take years, some can and some never will be able to [/quote] [quote name='"Window Frame"'] So if I wanted to be a good blues player I'd have to grow a beard, claim I sold my soul at the crossroads, and play in dives all around backwood areas? You don't have to think like anything. Bring your own mindset to the form of music you like. I think that encourages creativity.[/quote] sorry if i wasnt clear i didnt mean to say, dress like and conform to the stereotypes of a bass player i mean MUSICALLY think like a bass player the movement of the music and the thought process is very different for a bass player than for a guitar player, piano player, etc Bass is not just a lower octave 4 string guitar, it plays an entirely independent role. any musician can tell the difference between a bass player and a guitar player trying to play bass 1000 miles away. So, you have to think in terms of your instrument, and developing this intimacy and maturity of sound takes years
protip- Don't just play on the top string the entire song. Copy the riffs of the guitars with octaves, with little "solo" medleys occasionally.
As a musician, I've always said that a really good bass player is the one band member you are not aware of -- unless he stops playing. Then you wonder where half the band went. Sitting in a bar, just casually listening to a band, you probably won't notice the bass player's music -- if he's good. If you do notice his music, he's probably making mistakes which even non-musicians will notice.
^ A good musician is always aware of the bass player, except when he's not playing good(ie just single top string notes). Most of the music I listen to the guitars are tuned down really low, to the point where people will use a bass string for their lowest, and I am always even aware of the bassist. Again as long as he's not playing good.
[quote name='"blackleaf28"'] no^ op: to learn how to play notes on bass will take one minute. To learn to think like a bass player will take years, some can and some never will be able to when it comes down to it, no instrument is easier than any other, because learning your instrument is only 10% of being a musician[/quote] [quote name='"blackleaf28"'] sorry if i wasnt clear i didnt mean to say, dress like and conform to the stereotypes of a bass player i mean MUSICALLY think like a bass player the movement of the music and the thought process is very different for a bass player than for a guitar player, piano player, etc Bass is not just a lower octave 4 string guitar, it plays an entirely independent role. any musician can tell the difference between a bass player and a guitar player trying to play bass 1000 miles away. So, you have to think in terms of your instrument, and developing this intimacy and maturity of sound takes years[/quote] This. Coming from a bass player, nothing is more important than knowing your role in the band. You're a supporting instrument. You get the beat and tempo from the drummer, and transform them into notes and rhythm for the guitar player to listen and play to. Guitarists can pretty much play what they want as long as it fits the song and is in the right key. It's an expression instrument. Sure, you can't play ANYTHING, but moreso than that of a bass player. Same with drums. It's not just what sounds good, you have to keep the tempo, rhythm and beat.
I learned to play the bass. Really easy. All you have to do is plug in the controller then put in Guitar Hero, or RockBand and start jammin'
Slappin da bass man. Guitar or Bass are very possible to learn, just make sure you have the time to give.
What I wrote before, I should have said the comments about noticing bass players pertained only to casual listeners -- people just out socializing -- not to his band members or to any other musicians that might be hanging around.
Bass is fun and relatively easy to pick up. The best way I found to learn was jamming with people, finding songs to learn, watching YouTube vids etc
I couldn't play bass, my hands are too small. What is said about the difference between a bass player and a guitarist playing bass is absolutely true. Thinking like a bassist will help you in the long run. Try to get comfortable with playing the lower (higher pitched) 2 strings. I see far too many bassists just feel afraid to play those strings, they're there for a reason so use 'em! If you get really good later on, you might be interested in moving on to a 5 string. There not for everybody, but something to think about. Hope ya stick with it, I swear there's nothing like playing an instrument.