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Basic ventilation/odor questions

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by WesWeed, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. Hey all,

    First off, I won't be able to grow for 3 years, so this is a little premature. However, I'm a big fan of planning ahead, and I long for the day when I can grow my own cheaply and safely.

    So, a couple questions:

    1. I'll probably be doing a cabinet grow, since I don't think I'll have whole room to dedicate. How much ventilation would be required for a 2 plant cabinet grow of average size, using CFL lights? It wouldn't be "stealth" because my wiring skills suck, so I'd probably want to keep it cool enough to use a small desk fan as an active exhaust with a passive intake.

    2. How effective are negative ion generators for a small grow? I was thinking I could use a negative ion generator in front of the exhaust fan, and maybe another small one somewhere else in the room (but away from the passive intake). Think this would be sufficient to control the smell?
  2. 1. a lot of that depends on your cabinet size. if you are trying to go as small as you can for the 2 plants the easier (it is to keep ventilation in control). you could probably get away with a 4" inline fan for exhaust (ebay from HTG).

    2. personally i dont think that will do it once you begin flowering. using the above (4" inline) you could just make a DIY carbon filter to pull through. probably work out best.
  3. 1. Although you don't know what the cabinet size is, for 2 plants it could probably be as easy as just putting a fan in there, blowing on the plants will also greatly strengthen the stems.

    2. For a small grow all that is needed are some ONA products. Ive used the cheap ONA block containers for approx $8-10 a piece and for one little jar I was truly amazed at how well it works. I have a completely mature flowering plants with two that aren't completely mature and I can't smell them at all. This also depends on cabinet space. A real big cabinet may require a different solution.

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