ne baseball fans in here season just started just wondering ur favorite team.... mine would be the cards cuz thats where im from originally... i get ALOT of shit out here in cali for it but its cool
Hm, i like playing baseball more then watching it, but the Blue Jays are ma fav., i Know they're pretty garbage, but its local, im hopin this season will be better for them, they picked up some good people
2006 Boston Red Sox.... Schilling, Wakefield, Beckett, Clement... soon David Wells....and even possibly Roger Clemens hahahahaa...
Pabelbon is amazing.... next closer for the sox..the guy throws 96+.... he's god and we don't need Johnny Damon.... fuck em.... Coco Crisp 1000x better w00t GO SOX!
This is what happens to you and your career once you leave the Sox (except for Babe Ruth we don't talk about that)
just thought id quote him so everyone could get annother look at the logo of the 2006 world series champions!!