Good Morning GC, This is my first time posting so please be patient due me not know proper forum etiquette. So now to meat of it all, this is a grow journal for 2 strains that i recently acquired that I'm excited to drop.The first feminized lady I would like to introduce you to is Barneys Farms "LSD" and my other madam is 00 Seeds "Chocolate Kush". Both strains I researched heavily before making my next decision. This will be only my 3rd attempt at this so once again bare with me.I've been reading about growing and cultivating for almost a year now,lurking on here and other forms also while watching hours and hours of youtube videos, so I decided to finally just do it, here are a few pictures from my first two attempts...... The picture on the left was some bagseed, after curing it was a whomping 7.23g, but I must say I was a proud The picture on the right was a" 7/8 Sour" from Loud seeds. I did 6.87oz dry off her....both were grown in soil. this time around I am going for DCW. Will post more picture later. Thank you for for checking this out and welcome to my grow journal.