First of all! This is my FIRST EVER grow so help or learn with me. The 2 most helpful things when I was researching were this video [ ] and all the threads on I'm just starting up my first grow and will be posting pictures of everything tomorrow heres a list of all my stuff.. keep in mind i only spent about 50-100 bucks. List: Florescent fixture 2 lights x2 {HD} Florescent 4ft Bulb x4 {HD} 30 Liter reservoir x1{Wmart} 10ft 1/2inch inner diameter tube x1 {HD} 150Gph water pump x1 {HD} 80Gph water pump x1 {Found} mushroom siphon valve x2 {Local} 5-10 Liter plant container [Rectangular] x1 {Wmart} Compact Florescent Cool White x3 {Wmart} Compact Florescent Warm White x3 {Wmart} CFL lamp x6 {Wmart} Clay growing pellets 10Liter {Local} Peri-lite 10Liter [Barely Used any] {HD} Rock Wool x5 {Local} Emergency Blanket [Reflective]{Local} Random 6inch Fan x2 {Wmart} Metal 4inch Fan x1 {Wmart} Large Zip ties x75 +/- {Wmart} Electronic Timer x3 {Wmart} Heavy Duty 3way Plug x6 {Wmart} pH meter x1 {Plant World} Miracle Grow x1 {HD} Miracle Grow Bloom x1 {Wmart} pH Down x1 {Local} Seeds: 3 Barneys LSD {Herbies Head Shop} 2 Big Buds {Herbies Head Shop} ... Time to get this bitch growin! PS If its in BOLD/UNDERLINE Then it was Stolen.. I mean Gifted. Legend: {HD} = Home Depot - {Wmart} = Wal-Mart - {Local} = HomeGrown Hydroponics - {Plant World} = Plant World - {Herbies Head Shop} = Herbies Head Shop -
Oh and p.s my pH was at 5 so i redid everything and got the pH to about 5.9 - 6.0.. Light cycle has officially begun.
I tried to organize the photos to display everything in proper order.. if you see anything you would like to comment on please feel welcome! This is my first grow and I am really trying to get it to go great. Heres my photos, My first seed out of five [1/5] has sprouted and I really hope the others will follow Wall-E's lead!
Dawg, that is a sickass setup! How much was it, if you don't mind me askin?! Looks like a train horn sitting in that one pic! ;p
To tell you the truth i have absolutely no clue how much it costed lol me and my friend split the prices so it might have cost about 100$ total maybe a little more or less. Like I said earlier me and him had "picked up" most of the stuff from walmart and the lights, perilite, tubes and 1 pump from home depot and then we bought the clay rocks and rockwool from a local hydroponic store so yea.. oh and the train horn is actually a light fixture im just not using it yet since it will be holding a cfl and my plants are not yet big enough to need it.
I have more photos to upload since everything seems to have grown rather fast but ill take care of that later