barack obama

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by Hankrnot, May 16, 2008.

  1. even if marijuana was legalized by any of the candidates, our country is still going to shit.
    move the the netherlands.

  2. Word up.
    I have no hopes of total legalization for recreational use ever. I would really love to see decriminalization though, and while I don't think this next administration will help or make any changes, I feel that the climate towards drug use and researching psychedelics has a positive future- the fact we multiple candidates this time around that are open about their views on marijuana shows this. We just can't support our war on drugs or terror, the benefits are few, and the cost is insurmountable.
  3. I see so many people toting the Ron Paul banner that it's ridiculous. Sure, I might agree with some of his views on foreign policy and with parts of legalization, but that doesn't sell a candidate for me.

    The irony of the situation is hilarious. So many people regard Ron Paul as this agent for change, more so than Obama. But he's an ultra conservative, a lot of his change is backwards oriented. This is a guy who favors us going back to the gold standard here.

    I'm not saying Obama is all that and a bag of chips, I'm just saying people need to be looking at candidates closer and being more informed. Don't just start saying that there's going to be a draft if either McCain or Obama get into office and bail ship the moment you're asked to bring in some backing information.

    And face it, Ron Paul won't be ever be elected president. Even if he was he would be dead in the water. You think Congress would agree with him on anything?
  4. Read up man. I was just watching a debate the other day and Mccain said if he is elected he plans to have troops out by 2012
  5. I think he switched his views on legalization. IL has worse cannabis laws then arizona.
  6. yeah.. i live in IL :(
  7. First off. Always trust a former stoner :D

    Even if he did ride the white lady every once in awhile in college too.

    To the kid who thinks there'll be a draft. Ha fat chance. Barring World War 3, there is no other circumstance that could bring about a draft. Why? Not only would it be insanely unpopular politically, a president cannot make unilateral proclamations like that. He can use signing statements, but he can't institute the draft by himself. In addition, and much more practically, there Army would not even want a draft. Why? It brings down morale. There is a huge advantage to an all volunteer force versus a conscripted one. Whats better four guys who asked to play on your basketball team at recess, or if you went inside your school and drew names out of a hat to play with you.

  8. Not quite. It was more of a premonition. His exact words:

    "So, what I want to do today is take a little time to describe what I would hope to have achieved at the end of my first term as President. I cannot guarantee I will have achieved these things. I am presumptuous enough to think I would be a good President, but not so much that I believe I can govern by command. Should I forget that, Congress will, of course, hasten to remind me. The following are conditions I intend to achieve. And toward that end, I will focus all the powers of the office; every skill and strength I possess; and seize every opportunity to work with members of Congress who put the national interest ahead of partisanship, and any country in the world that shares our hopes for a more peaceful and prosperous world.

    By January 2013, America has welcomed home most of the servicemen and women who have sacrificed terribly so that America might be secure in her freedom. The Iraq War has been won. Iraq is a functioning democracy, although still suffering from the lingering effects of decades of tyranny and centuries of sectarian tension. Violence still occurs, but it is spasmodic and much reduced. Civil war has been prevented; militias disbanded; the Iraqi Security Force is professional and competent; al Qaeda in Iraq has been defeated; and the Government of Iraq is capable of imposing its authority in every province of Iraq and defending the integrity of its borders. The United States maintains a military presence there, but a much smaller one, and it does not play a direct combat role.

    The threat from a resurgent Taliban in Afghanistan has been greatly reduced but not eliminated. U.S. and NATO forces remain there to help finish the job, and continue operations against the remnants of al Qaeda. The Government of Pakistan has cooperated with the U.S. in successfully adapting the counterinsurgency tactics that worked so well in Iraq and Afghanistan to its lawless tribal areas where al Qaeda fighters are based. The increase in actionable intelligence that the counterinsurgency produced led to the capture or death of Osama bin Laden, and his chief lieutenants. There is no longer any place in the world al Qaeda can consider a safe haven. Increased cooperation between the United States and its allies in the concerted use of military, diplomatic, and economic power and reforms in the intelligence capabilities of the United States has disrupted terrorist networks and exposed plots around the world. There still has not been a major terrorist attack in the United States since September 11, 2001." REF:

    Want some more of his EXACT words?

    At a town hall meeting in New Hampshire:

    Q: President Bush has talked about our staying in Iraq for 50 years — (cut off by McCain)

    McCAIN: Make it a hundred.

    Q: Is that … (cut off)

    McCAIN: We’ve been in South Korea … we’ve been in Japan for 60 years. We’ve been in South Korea 50 years or so. That would be fine with me. As long as Americans …

    Q: [tries to say something]

    McCAIN: As long as Americans are not being injured or harmed or wounded or killed. That’s fine with me, I hope that would be fine with you, if we maintain a presence in a very volatile part of the world where Al Queada is training and equipping and recruiting and motivating people every single day.

    We'll be there for a hundred years as long as Americans aren't being hurt. However, we'll spend as many years, funds, resources, and lives as it takes to get there. Nothing about 2013 but a dream. There is no outline or withdrawl scheme, because he's trying to make sure we DON'T leave Iraq. As long as he can scare Appalachia and Ohio and Florida into believing that "evil brown men" are going to shoebomb their plane he can get the votes. People want hope, people want change, but they trust fear. They CLING to fear.

    Conservative philosophy is the ABSOLUTE reason cannabis is still prohibited. America has 5% of the worlds population, yet 20% of the worlds prisoners. And who wins? The minority. The top 3% of our country's population according to income. John McCain is 500 steps backwards for any marijuana law reform activist.
  9. LOL of course it would be hard to get Paul elected, he is a honest politician that does not support the daily corruption that almost every politician is involved in.

    Favors the gold standard, how is that a fucking joke? If I have 1 oz of gold, I can buy the same ammount of oil today as I could 8 years ago. Not the same with the US doller. The price of oil is not going up, we keep spending money we don't have because our money no longer means ANYTHING. Its a measurement od DEBT, IT HAS NO VALUE.

    And oh yes you can expect the draft when we invade Iran. Even Obama bows down to the oil overloads, See his pro Iran war speeach at APIAC.

    Oh and you guys are already forgetting, the war on drugs is really just a war on the bill of rights. With bush destroying our Constitution daily what do we have left really?

  10. The price of oil is absolutely going up. It is a mixture of several factors, one, supply and demand. There is a quarter more demand in the world now than ever before with rising economies in China, India, the Middle East, and developing nations around the world. If that were not bad enough you have to factor in the worlds 3rd largest currently accessible reserves in Iraq are producing at below pre-war quantities, and with one of the major fields of the world (Kirkuk in Iraq) seriously fucked up from mismanagement it's producing at even less than that.

    Then you need to factor in the geo-political price for oil, which at current estimates is running at least $25-30 per barrel. That will only get worse if shit goes down with Iran (which for precisely this reason, won't). 40% of the world's oil passes through the Strait of Hormuz, or nearby it. Iran has clearly indicated it intends to hold this as a hostage.

    If there was ever an attack on Iran, oil would skyrockets to $250 a barrel or more, with $10-12 a gallon gas.

    A weak dollar does not help, but also you must look at the fact that OPEC's currencies are tied straight to the dollar, so that mitigates some damage.
  11. if theres a draft im goin to prison...damn
  12. this is the thing obama is a piece of shit. he decriminalization is the same fukin thing as legaization. talk about the dumbest motherfuker on the planet

  13. I'll probably end up voting for McCain, but how could you possibly think that if Obama gets elected there is a good chance of a draft? He wants to pull out all troops in no more than 16 months.

    A lot of research? :rolleyes:
  14. i barely understood your sentence haha
  15. bob barr's presence on the ballot will ensure obama's win.

  16. if our conflict expands in the slightest we WILL need a draft, our army is only 1 million men and women strong, give or take a few thousand, and scatterd over 130 something countries and we are possibly going to be stirring up even more shit in Iran(and if we dont the damned Israelis will with all their threats and saber rattling) and guess who is going to be defending Israel from virtually every nation in the Middle East? us, and our military, especially our ground forces are woefully undermanned, and Iran's army isn't the push-over that Iraq's was by the time we invaded, considering also the fast that Iran is buying and installing a modern air defense system from Russia right now, you bet theirs going to be a draft, and this largely because Bush went in, bombed Iraq and totally screwed the balance of power in the region.

    Now as to who I will vote for, probably Obama, our problem is none of our options for president are great for the current circumstances, but better Obama I think than McCain, because I just dont think Ron Paul has a chance really of winning, and we also need a president who will be compatible with the Senate and House, that way we dont have those branches and the executive branch blocking each other at every turn.
  17. oops, forgot to mention, I do NOT want us to expand our conflicts anywhere, in fact I want our armies all over the world to be able to pack and go home, and just stay in a couple nations that are strategically vital.
  18. ok, and who is to decide exactly which nations need our presence and which nations do not.

    you see the problem.
  19. probably our best bet would be try and make THe Azores or something a US military base, it used to be a NATO base, maybe buy the Canary Islands from their current holder, or even justa couple larger islands and convert those into a base, in my view we should only need one or two bases each in the pacific and the atlantic, I personally think we sould be allowed to base in Israel as long as we are supporting their military power, so we then have a base in the Middle East, we basically need to try and make modern transportation tech work for us, and not havee our army scattered all over the place like back in the 19th century.
  20. Vote for for McCain and I will straight kill your ass :D hehehe jk, but seriously unless your head is in your ass still from hiding from 9/11 you better vote for obama.

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