bank that sells Lowryder and ships to US?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Seeds Banks' started by maryjane1, Aug 8, 2008.

  1. I need to find a place where i can get some lowryder seeds cheap and that ships to US. I want to do a stealth closet grow.
    Any one know where i can find a place?
    Or a place that acepts payment via paypal would be cool too.
  2. check the seed bank. this has been asked about 1001 times.
  3. I looked all over and have found none that have lowryder.
    Its been posted all over where to find a bank that ships to US but not about lowryder.
  4. I ordered some Diesel Ryder from the Joint Doctor from I'm in the U.S and got them in 5 days from when they shipped. Which happened to be yesterday i received them. I have also talked to other from U.S that had ordered there before and worked out.
  5. do ant accept PAYPAL?
  6. DrChronic does both.

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