
Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by hooterjh101, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. It was a rush, but it gave me a ridiculous headache, and I've definitely had better rolls just eating pills. I'm not sure of the dose I had, though.. I'm thinking it was pretty low, since it was all of our first times banging molly and they didn't have that much to start.

    I'm not sure what method they used. Probably something like this:
    I just so happened to have walked in when they had finished prepping the needle, but nobody there actually had the balls to stick themselves so I was the only one who IV'd it.

    Edit: Thinking about it, I've never prepped a needle... I wouldn't know how if I ever had to.
  2. no thanks, thats usuaully where people start to turn into a full blown junky
  3. I said I'd never bang but the way life is going these days I'd honestly consider it.

    Heroin, not crystal meth.
  4. I never have but I will, without a doubt, one day.
  5. I did one time. Well... twice in the same time frame, so i consider it one time. Did up some OC... it was an amazing feeling... but i have an addictive personality, and i didnt want to end up like i did with crack... so ill never do it again.
  6. Banged horse twice.

    Fuckin' in love with it too much.

    Thank God I can't fuckin' buy it regularly.
  7. Sorry if this offend you in any way. But as i stated in my orginal post its a growing curiosity inside me and being that i banged oc's for the first time i was curious as to how many fellow gc members have used this form.

    I also should say i added "Once" as one of the poll options because i wanted to know how many people could hit once them not again. Maybe if someone had a bad experience, as for me it was pure bliss which encourages me not to bang again because i think/know i will be consumed by the constant need for a "better" high. which in my opinion is accomplished by needle.

    EDIT: Cheers to the 2 post's above me.
  8. hands down most amazing way to take a drug. Not doing it anymore though.
  9. i got a burned hand so this hot blonde nurse banged me in the ass with some morphine. oh! :wave:
  10. No thanks.
  11. Nope, never done it. I can't stand needles. But I've heard it's such a massive rush that it's worth it. Personally, I doubt I'll ever do it.

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