Bang Bang Pow!

Discussion in 'General' started by kowaihannah, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. Hey everyone,

    I'm stoned and playing red dead redemption. What are you all up to? :smoking:
  2. Wishing I was playing video games. ^_^
  3. Video games are the best :)
  4. What console do u use?
    And yes, yes they are. Lol
  5. Xbox 360. What about you?
  6. At the moment 360, but I've got all of them. Favorite games?
  7. Woah, I just passed out haha. Ahh good nap :smoke: I like Bioshock, Fear 2, Left 4 Dead, Red Dead Redemption, COD, Brutal Legend for my xbox. But I like playing Soul Calibur games, Phantasy Star Universe, Harvest Moon games haha, and a whole bunch of others on my other game consoles. And your favourite games? :)
  8. #8 mushroomsatsuji, Aug 17, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Fuck consoles man. The only way to really game is through pc :hello:

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